HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/21/1953 Kent, Wash. December 21, 1953 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Council- men Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read and approted of the last regular meeting; Report of officers presented and file; Budget Treasurers and Clerk' s. ; Bids were opened and read for a sewer line on Kenwood and Guiberson St. Sir, bids were received and opened and read, _the lowest bidder was awarded the bid, National Construction Co for the amount of %�2,383. 52. this mooney for the job is held in escrow by the clerk, and tobe paid from that amount. Bids were opened for the purchase of one fire truck, and an alternate bid was received for fire hose. Three bidders on the truck and fire hose. Howard-Cooper was the lowest bid, and by motion passed the bid for the truck was awarded to Howard-Cooper Corporation for- the amount of 'u21+,052. 56 , and the hose bid was not let by motion passed. The unsuccessful bidders both on the sewerand the firettuak is on file in the clerks office. Letter Read from Mr. Eckland in regard to having some of the citie ' s insurance business, was referred 'to the finance committee. Letter read from Mr. Carey & Kramer in regard to- the bidders not having enough time on the bids of the treatment plant and requested to be . laid over till January 18th. Resolution read and adopted setting. the date to open bids on the Treatment Plant as January 18, 1953. Mr. Krammer was notified by phone the next mornning, in regard to the resolution being adopted, and for him to notify the bidders by registered mail. Letter read from Ilichie City Publication Co in regard to codification of our ordinances, Councilman was instructed to go into the matter further. Letter read from the Auburn King County Farm Bureau, in regard to a room that they were meeting in. Letter read from Valley Cities stating that thier next meeting would be at Auburn Jan. 27, 1954. Clerk was instructed to review election laws, so that all facts would be avaiable at the Valley Cities Meeting at Auburn, at the next regular meeting. Ordinance No. 869 read for the control of Garbage. by motion > passed the vote of the council. Ordinance No. 870 read and passed by motion setting the rates for garbage pick up. Motion passed to have the Health Committee purchase two garbage pickup cans, and order coveralls for the two employees on the garbage route. Motion passed to have the clerk write 1!• r. Sipes a letter in regard to the junk yard that he is maintaining at his palce of business. Motion passed to instruct the Fire cChief to have all smoke pipes eliminated, that creates a fire hazard. Motion passed to have the clerk notify Mr. Erath that the city is taking over the garbage route the first of the year, and for our new employees work for him the last week in December, with the new city truck and he pay the men. Motion passed to have the clerk hire two men for the garbage route, for six months probation period, Clerk to have power to hire and discharge and they be responsible to the clerk for i operation. Mayor to contact Chamber of Commerce to offer a prize for the best looking insigma for all city equipment. Mrs. Pugerude of 5th. Ave. submitted a slogan for the Garbage Truck that was accepted by the council 11 I:eep Kent Klean" and the clerk instructed to write her a letter for her interest in civic affairs. Letter read from the Pollution Control. Commission approving the plans of the Sewage Treatment Plant. Letter read from the Pollution Control Commission signed by Mr. Kennrth R. Jones Field Engineer stating that all industries that process food shall install a 20mesh sereen at thier plant before dumping contaminated water into the sewers, when treatment p1-Ant Raichereration. continued- 140 z continued- Mr. Thatcher ddvised the council that before they take action in relinquishment of the power condemnation suit that they shoul have special council on the matter. I.Iotion .passed to table the matter and have the City Attorney and the Iiayor look into the case for further study. Motion passed to have the street committee look over the curb that is broken at the Park on First Ave. and have it replaced. Discussion on a cross-walk at west meeker in front of the New Peoples Bank B1dg.T,,Iotion passed to have the Police and Steet committees make a study of same. Mr. Dunbar brought to the attention of the council that the approch on Smith Street off of Yennebeck was a bad con- dition because a car could not make the turn unless it used the full street to do so. Motion passed to have Rod purchase boots and raincoats that were needed for the street and water crew. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 5,449.09 Water " It 164.94 Street +T TT 134.99 Library 11 It 103.30 Park " If 318.41 Garbage " IT 69.15 WSP Se�,P,vr T+ ++ 13 ,200.00 i MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges city clerk oU N.Cry gy g