HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/16/1953 A
1,,ent ',`ashin,-ton iTovc inber 1-6) 1)53.r
Re meeting of the City Council.. n, ,z�e-scnt llatior :looney
Curran, Laib , '-,chul-tz , .chaffer,
-non n d
, unciD -essin-, C
-Alinutes oI., ti).-e last re,r-illa). 'n'(-Otil -,.Pproved;
..e1')Ort of officers presented and by motiOl-I P1,1cccl . on fil-e ;
1-otion passed to accept r. llau,els offer of 40-00 to
11 7 . L '
help defray the e],ponses of cl-errin�-' of bile dump.
f "
17otion passed to award the contract of supplying a desposal-
L I e -,,
1,1nithet to the Transport Trailer Co of ()e,71t tl- , rich the C('. J1
1,uto co supp -lie Chassis - tlie sum 0 i1:'),`)050-4C)
A -1-yin t ul . foj. f -
the amounts of the otl-ier he
. seven bidders are on file in U
clerk' s offi0e.
!lotion passed to remove the two present li,-Illt standards
at the intersection of 2nd. -,.nd Go,,17o and replace �%,ith a
I L-1 utility I-'ercury-Vapor light fixture attache at the -ity pole.
Letter read frorii Gardener (7j, 11itc" En
i-1-111's L;ineers re-
presenting the Lake Lucurne ,rater Com =y, maki-1- q request
to connect to the City 017 Lent system, at sucll t'rlle ' e r 'y
develope Rock Creek Source , the letter W-ts, referred to the
water coimilitLee for study and report back. of Hearing ,,,,as opened oil t1he a-11-le--mLion of a tract land
laying 'South and East of tie pre,:ent cj-11.Y l.iraits, no one
appeared arminst the annexation. Ordinance 11o. U867 read
and by motion passed the unanimous vote:-: of the council.
Clerk was instructed to mail- copy of ordinance of annexation
to Board of County Commissioners, and attach a letter sigiadd
by the Ilayor requesting the Commissioners to instruct their
Engineer to get in -touch Fait!! our ',ity -i7ineer for a
count of population on the new anne,-cation, so that the
the '�-cretary of State.
census count can be fore,;iarded to ID U.
upe- purchase
lotion passed to ha -e the water rintendent.,,
a tapping for t'ie cost o-,,. not to exceed ,�100.00.
,17r. Thatcher presented to the. counciltfle idea for im-
proveiaent the -,quiring a strip of land frorli the old
St 7ee
purposes e:.-,tendim--- roil '.J'e kler to
ri,71-itway for stre,-,-u -C hands of the
lest ,jij] this tI,
k _is. , his matter 'was placed in
street col-kullitee for study.
Mayor I-looney riace a rrport on tll(� �iviiDefense eeting
and demonstration, that was put on at t i e Junior Ilig_Sh 11001
under the supervision of the .3usi-,L-icss Professional Wamen/.
and the clerk was instructed to i:il-ite a letter of appreciAtion
to the voi-aelis club for ',,Ilicir effort in this deiiionstration.
Saliitation Committee take care
11otion passed to hav(- the
of the lettering on the new ar'O,v,�e truck.
-D - - s Tular
v(� an adjourne(I mee'L'im- I-D
1 -061011 passed to have o f t h i, re,
- i L
meeting on Ilov. lath. at ei,�-'Ilt i�lcl-Ocl: 1'- 7 for the purpose
of Sewage Treatilient Plan!" de;.J ,:n -u i-Atted by our
CLAElS PRESEI�ITED A A L 1,O',,L',, D Clains i�12 ' 36
Cu=mt E,�xpense
11at e r 161:OK
Library i*- 1 16-
7*- 20
5210 /u
1 05-00 17
I T1 'OV. _1_
lilecting continued till