HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/21/1953 I,:ent �a: hington September 21, 1953.
Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Fooney
Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Ran0all, Schultz, Shaffer,
Kinutes read and approved of the last regular meeting;
Report of officers approved and filed, Audzget , Treasurers
and Clerks;
Letter read from the Jaycees approving the appointment of
an other patrolman on the police force:: to tale care of park-
ing, motion passed to instruct the c1erk to write a letter
Ln them to show appreciation of khpi7 interest in the matter.
Petition received and read from John Han ge in regard to
Navin; him retain the garbage coukruct , si„ned by a great
number of residents of the city. i Vi_on passed to place the
petition on file.
Nr. Hitchings of the firm of Gardener t Hi.tchings that the
council had retained for a survey of the source of water, was
presented to t1he council for study.
~;ids were opened and read for the repair of the trestle
on the transmission line, four bids were received, Allen
RacLean of Seattle !r 400.00 but no corti_fied check was received
with bid so the council ruled it out . Riley Pleas Co. of
Seattle Q,1,775.00. H.Halvorson Inc. of Seattle �A,990-00, and
Nclntyre Construction Co 0 ,485.00 plus tax of 30.Ay motion
passed ilclntyre Construction Co was awarded the bid.
Letter read from Mr. Thatcher city attorney citing the law
in regard to bids received and not having the proper certi_fidd
check attached as the call for bids called for. Potion passed
to peace the letter on file.
Ralph Pozzi appetred before the council_ requesting permission
for the Meridian .rater Co to hook on with the city main, that
now serves that area..! ;otion passed to rive perITlission for the
entension of the present main, unanimous vote. eras cast except
councilman Curran he refrained from voting.
fir. Bell (: Dr. IIogan appefled before the council with a re-
quest to hook to the city sewer system at Guiberson & Kennebeck
motion was passed to grant the request and for the cost to be
prorated, and a consideration be given to the lowering of
Guiberson Street at Kenwood, and under the supervision of
the city engineer.
i r. Andre owner of the Vale ` heater appeared again before
the council requesting them to take off the admission tali, that
it was unfair to his operations, no action was taken on the
removing of the tax.
notion passed by the unanimous vote of the council except
Thornton, effecting the eater Street Serer and all other City
Raintenance Departments. The Forman to turn in a daily work
sheet to city clerk and to pick up next day' s .-cork plan. This
would be due at end of each day. Each employee to keep time
card in tenth of hours , ( six minute periods) desibnating job
worked on, so as to be accountable on work sheet. Work sheet
to give enact location of work done and recap of labor and
materials chargeable to that job. It will also name the
specific job or jobs done. The clerk will report on council
meeting nights and will be held accountable for action. This
procedure will take full effect October 1A . 1953.
I iotion passed to remove from the table the motion of last
regular meeting in regard to parkin; mebbr and one hour park-
ing. , the motion that is before the council was and is to
repaal the parking meter ordinance and one hour parking
ordinance be created. Amendment passed to add to the parkin;
ordinance and included by the police r fire committee all
zoning, truck zones , taxi zones,buss zones,passinger loading
and unloading zones. Rotion passed on the original motion
by the unammmous vote of the council except Thornton.
Notion passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to
the Ling County Commissioners, requesting them to take over
the jermnent improvment of James Street within the limits of
the City, owing to the fact that it is used as a through street.
continued Sept .21 , 1953 .
Also a _letter to the Engineers of the :Mate Ilia hvray !�epartE
rnent , requesting them to appropirate money for the improvmamt
of State IIighway No. 5 through the limits of the city.
otion passed for the City Attorney to proceed ti;rith the
and bring it to
paper work on the annexation on 1 nobVIIi�1�^ineer certifies that
a hearing date , at such time the
there is 75`1or more on the petition acording too5 law.
Budget presented to the council and red for 1
passed to instruct the clerk to have notice of 'budg(-_-t hearing
published acording to law, and set the date of hearing on
October5th. 1953 . at the city hall at <) 0 clocic
Request for a street light on the i;orth 1-;nd of �'ioodford i` ve ,
tr a.; ed the request .Tas granted.
ge and Geor
(I T.I117 iJ Pi _�i��� ,r� 1!;.J ^l T_.! '�T�
V 2;5 . ,8
Cur. Expense claim IT I13. 51
i',Tater " ,� g6 1
Par"trk t � 136.68
T.eetin g adjourned;
1,7 , or Chas. Bridges
city clerk