HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/17/1953Ozz) Kent Vlashinz,ton _August 17, 1953. Re;7;ular meetin_; of the City Council present i ayor I'iooney Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, I�<an:iall_, Schulte,>haffer, Thornton; Ilinutes read and approved of the last regular meetlnC; r eport of officers read and fil_ed., ',l,.d�;et,Treasurers, and Clerks: lotion passed to grant 1,1r. Dunbars request to hook to the sewer under 116he supervision of the h,n ;ineer, location at Mast Titus and Kenoshia Ctreets. Plater Committee recommended that the Engineering Fir-m of Gardner L Ili tchi.ngs be retained for- the feasibility of obtaining water frog Rock Creek, this report to enclude various .rays of obtaining mor,:, ti� ater at a cost of �900.00. ,lotion passed to have the I=layor and Clerl: sign contract with Gardner c°' llichings l,,ngineeri n;; i' i r",i for the feasibility report on Rock Creel_ developnlerrt. Iir. Dunbar reque: od of the council_ to leave the old 1-7ater pipe line easement removed from his property on the South side of Bast Smith :3tr. eet, orririg to -the fact the city had not used it for years. Motion passed to lay it over .for thirty days. I;Ir. Washem from the loaca.l Teamsters Union was present at the meeting and requested of the Courcil that on the leting of the new garbage contract that stipulations be made where as the contractor "Toul(J. abideby union rules in hiring drivers. I.iotion by roll call vote passed to permit iir. Olson to break out a curb on South First Ave. and one on Titus Street to permit parking on his property for customers on the completion of his new Clea;lnin;. Bldg. providing that there be enough room for cars, and not protrude out over the walk ways, the building plan to be altered to suit the condition, Councilmen Curran and "haffer voted ney on the motion. Motion passed to give 11r. Davidson pernission to lay i_,mulsifi.de Asphalt on his sidecralks for repair an to act as a test pattern. Letter read from the Statewide City Iietirelrlent system Board requesting what plan the city was to adopt, . Motion passed to adopt plan B as outlined for deductions of salaries up to 'Q4.00.00 insteed of :i,,300.00 as previous, and for the city to pay 100o of the employees deductions instead of and 80 :o plan. I.1r. Rod water superindentent reported to the council that there had to be some repair work done on the,transmissin line by recapping some trestle viork. notion passed to have the clerk call for bids , and nr,ineer prepare bid sheets. CLAIKS PRESENTED AND ALLOIVED AS FOLLOI'3S; Current Expense Claims 13ater tt rr Street it rr Park tt tr Library it 'r Neeting adjourned; 'Mayor .a. 354.98 13.53 1H04" 40 50•85 1. 54 Chas. Bridges city clerk r