HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1953 .,wrN Kent Washington July, 6, 1953. Regular meeting of the city council present Ilayor Rooney Counci_lme n Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last renular mepting; Report of Officers read and filed : Notion passed by the unanimous vote of the council to purchase the Burroughs Utility Billing machine as per bid at the last regular meeting for the sum of ;j>2006.96. Letter read from the County Commissioners stating that they would keep the entension of Summit Ave. to Smith Street in mind if it was any bennifit to the County to do so, , Motion passed,to present tKe same proposition to the King County Planning=, Commission. 11otion passed to have the City Attorney complete the deed that the County Commissioners presented for a riFhtaway for road purposes by our water headworks, and for Payor and Clek to sign same , and present to the Cou'zty C'oraiYiissioners when they turn over the check for payment for the timber they cut along our water shed : at the headwaorks. 11tion for City Attorney to draw ordinance to have the park- ing of cars off the streets in the downtown area, from 4 A.M. to 7 A.M. so as the street sweeper can operate, and an amenment to the motion for the Atkorney to loot: into the Park- in; meter ordinance , and if suitable ordinances cannot be had with it on the boobs draw ordinance for repaal of same. Notion passed for the building committee to set new rules .regulating use of city Hall for meetings aird. etc. CLAIMS PRESENTED ANU ALLOWED AS FULLOWS; Police payroll June 1, 832.47 Payroll June 4, 580.14 Fire Dept payroll June 267.00 Current Expense Claims 1,159.23 Water rr 1,155.35 Street 272.87 Library 207 Park '1 330.09 Garbage 815. <<, MEETING ADJOURNED; i May Chas. Bridges city clerk