HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/15/1953 Kent '.,'asl�ln ;ton June , 7_j , 1953. Regular meeting of the City C ouihci"I_ present iliayor i'"ooney, Councilmen 131_essi.ng, ;�ur-r•an, Lamb, Randall-, '�chults, '.chaffer Thornton; I'linute s reed and. approve(l of the last re Illar meting; Peport of Ufficc:rs prr�sented anci filed., Treasurers, Budd et 7-. Clerks reports; kids were openned and read for the purchase of a Utility Billing and Postins I'iacliine , three lids were received, Pational Cash Register Gorripaihy, ;1)- 695.00 plus sales `I'a:c, Underwood Corporation, :';;,3 ,119.36, andDurroughs Adding 1achine Co. j,2��0b.96. �'�otion passeck to lay the bids ovr_,r ti�_l the next re£;ular meeting; for study iiid dciionstrations of the various Firms. Councilman C urran reported on the sale of logs tIlat the County crew .cut alone; our t,rater she:i, to a fir. Fowler for the sum of ;ll190.00, 111 th,' mean-LI ime the Bounty Corimi sSion 1Ir. Sears said not to sell off the logs that they :could buy them from the City for a better price , and for the city to give them a clear title to the rightawyy that they needed for the road in question.The counties price was %,�3< ,00 per T% . Fetter read from the ,hate Highway Departmerit warning us that the !'lack Diamond Road on :Imitli Hill was going ahead, and they would not be responsble for the water pipe alon; t'­ ric-htawyy if broken, i3y motion _letter placed on file. Petition read from resdents on 'Sui,zmit Ave. beyond the present City Limits, requesting to come in t!ie city. I-lotion passed to place in hands of Engineer and clerk for review, and have the petitioners get al]_ necessary data on annexation. Hearing; held on vacation of State Ave . and Alley, North of Pioneer, no one appeared against said petition, the hearing held closed and. Ordinance o. 860 read and by motion passed the unanimous vote of the council., for the vacation of said portion of State Ave. and Alley. H.P.Pratt & Co and associates appeared before the council with a request for to extend the contract rith the City on the Power project for an other two years. T`lotion passed to extend the contract and have I:Iayor Clerk sign same. John Hauge' s claim for hauling ,garba,;e from the street sweeping boxes was rejected for the second time on account of being; prior -to 1-953 , Ilotion passed to have the clerl, request of the city attorney the feasibi lty of paying suclh an old bill. Motion passed to have the water committee Have porter to act in regard to people living out on East IIill , tliat run out of water in the summer when their wells go dry, . Tiotion passed to have the Park Dept. purchase 700 ft. of 211 water pipe for the park; -rounds. CLADIS PRESENTTD AHD '1T,T,Oi'!i_;ll PLC' FOT:L0jJ'i" Current Expense Cjlaims V39.]I2 Water 't 'T 1�18.22 Street or 201.65 Library 37.25 Park rt r' 45.02 PIT,] TI1v1G A OURNED; c Ma o Chas. Bridges city clerk: