HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/04/1953 Kent 1'dashington Iiay 4 , 1953. Regular meeti.n;_-, of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Pozzi, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; I-Iinutes read and approved of the Last regular meeting; Officers report read and filed: Police ; Councilman Thornton reported that he would like to have until_ the next regular meeting to have an ordinance submitted for the regulation. of Gas Stations. Iir. - Jack fisher of 214,0 fladen. Ave. request permission to hoof, to the sewer at Blue Banner Foods, permission was granted if he c,,ould pay for the costs of t'1e elevation survey, and getting the easement froi;i the Power Company to -o across their property. The peoples Bank requested permit sion to lay 11.20 ft . of storm drain along Harrison Street for their ne,., building that is 7,oi.ng to be constructed o_� VIest "leeker. 'lotion passed to have them buy the pipe and the city -"rould do the work of installing, and for other property to connect to same , if needed. !.lotion passed to get a price on the construction on a small addition on the rear of the city hall for storage space for the fire departme_it. !lotion passed to have the clerk purchase enough paint for the trim and lower part of the city hall bldg. and fire s,ation. 'lotion was passed to handle the street repair and oiling program as was done in 1952. I,lotion passed to write a letter to the King County Commissioners to reserve through their Planning Commission a rightaway through a piece of ground connecting Sumitt ave, through to Smith Street. Don Bell jr. riade a report to the council on the amounts of insurance carried by the city, and the purpose of ea -h policy. Letter read from the Pollution Control Commission, giving the city council a revised Order No. 9, by removing the time limit and requesting a report by the quarter. I-riotion passed to have the i'"iayor and �lerk make out and mail to the Pollution Commission a quartley report on the 'Treatment Plant. Copy of a letter to Carey & Klrammer from the Pollution Control Commission received in regard to including provisions for high-rate filtration if it is deemed necessary in the future. Letter read from Carey & Kramer stating that they would be present at the meeting that the council has called for meeting with the Industries and the Pollution Commission, to discuss the treatment plant. Letter read from the State Iliway Department Commission OKing the increase of the speed limits on certain hiway streets in Kent, from 25 to 35 miles per hour., All committees was requested to take and inventory of building contents, so that a better estimate of the value iTould be had for insurance purposes. Resolution read in compliance of the request of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce in regard to i•rork and plans on the Green River Dam, and copies forwarded to same. Iiotion passed to adopt resolution oil Green River Dam, and I-lotion passed to request the County COIillAssioners to have some one attend the hearing on the Dam in ,^lashington D.C. and also copy of the resolution be mail to the Commissioners. Ordinance No. 859 passed the vote of the council, relating to intoxicating liquors, prohibiting minors from acquiring, possess- ing or consuming the same. Mrs. Burns & Plrs. Taylor appered before the council requesting permission to hook to the city water main, fnr the purpose of serving several famill_ies on the Erickson Rd. & the I,liddle Road, the council took it under advisment by the water committee , and a motion was passed to have the clerk' s office restrain .from issuing grater connections to the outside until the water committee has made a study of the water condition for this coming; summer. Council recessed for five minutes to consider the letting of bids for a police car, that were received at the last regular meeting. Reconvened and by motion passed the bid was granted to the Kent Motors, .for a police car. 320 continued from page 319. CLAIT,IS PRCJSEHTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLUR)'; Police Payroll for April. 12 822.1-,-7 Payroll for April 4,77 •05 Fire Dept Salaries for April 267.00 Current Expense Claims 2,386.48 plater it TT 14,67.33 Street 1T TT 390.48 Library TT 11 1.29 Park TT " 11.19 Garbage TT 829.72 111? ,;TING ADJOUIZIJED• :May n Chas. Bridges city Clerl: I