HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 10/06/1952 Kent I'dashington October 6, 1952 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Pozzi, �chu_ltz, Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Deport of officers read and _filed, police report ; i"otion passe(! to instruct the clerl to write a letter to the owner of 1�16 No. Central in regard to egiuipping them,_ selves with enough garbage cans to take care of their garbage. Letter read from the N.P.Railway Co stating that they would comply with the council' s request and fix the crossings at Smith & James Streets. Letter read from the city attorney stating his reasons why he did not attend all council meetings. After discussion on the matter , motion passed to place letter on file. , Letter read from the city engineer dra,11ing the council attention �Go4�- an infraction of the zoning ordinance , in regard to a house being constructed less than the lawful five feet. After various discussions on the zoning ordinance , a motion was passed to have the clerk write a letter to the Planning Commission in regard to interpertations of the ordinance. Motion made for city attorney to write a letter to all persons in violation of the zoning ordinance, lost for lack of a second. Motion to table letter from the city engineer until next regular meeting, for time to have more study on same. Petition read on the vacation of part of Clark Street in VI.C.I.COs Knob Hill Addn. and resolution read for a hearing on. same and by motion passed adopted. , and clerk instructed to pett notices as law required. Budget ordinance read and past the vote of the council after having hearing on same. Tax Levy read and past the vote of the council. -Report from the city attorney in regard to the Power & Light propostion as held at a meeting in Renton. Motion passed to have the light committee have the light st standards painted, , not of exceed ";�200.00/. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOIIS; Police Payroll Sept. 12665.77 Payroll Sept. 4, 575 .17 Fire Dept. Sept. 267.00 Cur. Exp. Claims 1,210. 56 Water it 444.24 Street it 311.66 Library " 10.00 Park 35.74 MEETING ADJOURNED Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk