HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 10/01/1951 Kent Washington October 1, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council present I,Tayor )!,looney Councilmen Adams, Blessing, Pozzi ,Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; I,Iinutes read of the last regular meeting and approved; Report of officers read and filed, police report ; l Mr. Sipe secretary of the Planning Commission was present and informed the council of the dispute between PJr. Appleton and Mr. Hastens in regard to their property line. Councilman Thornton reported that the streets were all striped for traffic lanes and etc.and the Dent Roofing Co submitted the lowest bid on the taring of the cracks in the streets. Old boiler at the Blue Banner Foods was reported of no further use and was recommended to be sold for scrap. Councilman Randall reported on his recommeddation to District 87 in regard to supplying them water, stating that it was not feasible because when they would be short , we would be also, and that we had already refused Obrien the same proposition. Councilman Randall reported to the council that we were not charging the customer enough for a water connection, because our cost had gone up almost double , it was costing the city $52.31 for each connection and our charge now was only q25.00 and he recommended that it should be raised. Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to amend the water ordinance to read with blank amount for .further consideration at the next regular meeting. Each councilman was issued block warden cards', to formulate a warden service for Civil Defense. Proposal of Grande & Co for the purchase of all LID 229 Bonds was rejected, the council felt that our local people should have a chance of the purchase of the bonds. Reguest from 14r. Gordon Smith of 621 So. 3rd. Ave. to connect to the existinc; sewer was granted by motion under the supervision of the City Engineer. Motion passed to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer that the contract of Valley Construction 8o be accepted as completed on the water main contract. Hearing held on the 1952 Budget and Tax Levy, no one present to object , so reading of Ordinance r 840 Budget , and Ordinance �r 841 Tax Levy by motion passed the unanmous vote of the Council. Motion passed to have- the sewer repaired on South 5th. Ave. Motion passed to purchase and install a gasoline tank and fittings on the ally end of the water building on Railroad Ave. for the supplying of gasoline for city equipment. I4otion passed to instruct the Mayor and CJerk to sign a P,iutual Aid agreement with the County for diaster purposes. 1,lotion passed to instruct the Clerk to call_ for bids on a new Garbage Contract , for the next two years. , Bids will be opened and read at the next regular meeting October 15th. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND READ AS FOLLO T 1S; Police Payroll_ Sept. 1, 561.96 Payroll Sept. 4,281.31 Fire Payroll Sept. 220.00 F. S.Balyeat service equip 36.05 Witness Fees Police Court 5.70 Seattle Gas Co Gas 1. 55 Mac Boyker Hall Repair 10. 59 Kent News Jouranal Publishing 3 .36 Spotlight Service Gas (". Oil 175.70 Miles Drake Insp. Eng. 93 .75 c on'ginued. . continued Pacific Tel Tel Co Phones 34.19 Y.S.P.&.L.CO Lights Power 646.03 1,1.L.Armstrong Lease 15 .00 Railway Express Agency Express 1�•11� City Transfer :street Oiling 60.00 Western Utilities Co Pipe 484.9,8 Western Utilities Co Supplies 16.27 Ding Co. Rd. Dist '� 2 Gravel 1r2.00 E.A. Sipe Stove Oil_ 50.76 James R. Iddings Stripe Stretts 250.00 Gonnason Eros Tire repair 2.58 C.V.Erath Garbage 723 .15 Dept. of Labor & Industries I.I.< .TI.A. 219.18 Sunset Laundry Co Laundry Gerberts Cabinet Shop Office Equip. 85.49 HEETI14G ADJOURNED; I or Chas.. Fridges city clerk