HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 05/07/1951 7b�
Kent Washington Hay 7, 1951
Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor 11ooney
Councilmen Armstrong, Bell, Pozzi, Randall, Seeman, Shaffer,
Iiinutes read and approved of the last regular meeting;
Report of the police Dept. read and filed;
Police committee reported that the dog pound was completed and
ready- for dogs.
Health & Sanitation Committee reported that the dump was in
first class shape and no more complaints.
Water Committee reported that the pipe laying was progresing in
fine shape.
Motion passed to place IwIetcalfs bill for engineering on the
power prodject , and Thorgensons bill for legislation on the power
deal in the hands of the finance committee for investigation, and
a report at the next meeting.
Letter read from illr. Smith 1,1r. Lewis & IIr. Davis in regard to a
complaint of water standing on their property, Ilotion passed to
refer- to the drainage committee.
Letter read from the Northern Pacific Railway in regard to hav-
ing a meeting with the I,iilwaukee , to see if the extra charge on
fr&t)3ht could be done away with, out of Kent.
!lotion passed to have the police committee secure a dog catcher.
Motion passed to have section 9 repaaled of ordinance No. 683
for minors being able to play pool, but the restriction on card
playing in the said section shall remain the same.
Motion passed to have the police committee outlaw Atomic-Flash
cigarret s Machines until at such time they may come under a city
Motion passed to instruct the Fire Chief to attend the 78th.
International Fire Chief' s conference at Grand Rapids I',Iich. in
Motion passed to instruct the Water Superintendent to attend
the Water Works Convention at Vancouver B.C. in May.
I•'Iotion passed to have the Sewer Committee check over sewer
connections and report back at the next meeting.
Pa roll For April 4,149.4.3
Police Payroll For April 1, 538.60
Fire Dept. Payroll For April 220.00
Lowman & Hanford Office Furniture 473 .70
Northern Pacific Railway Co Parking Space 5.00
Sunset Laundry Co Laundry 3.51
Railway Express Agency Fire Equipment 8. 51
Kent Motors Tire Adjustment 3.18
Gonnason Bros Gasoline 1.20
Kent News Journal Supplies 165.78
Valley Hardware Supplies 1.77
Kent Hardware Supplies 10.26
Seattle Gas Co Gas 2.61
United Janitor Supply Co Janitor Supplies 6.39
Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Expense 14.94
Thornton Auto Parts Expense 40:62
H.B.Madison Bond Premium 85.00
Dave J. Mooney Mayors Expense 10.50
Miles Drake Insp. & Eng. 176.25
Potlatch Yards Inc. Supplies 50:24
M.L.Armstrong Lease On Lot 10.00
Homelite Corp. Water Pump 266.58
Padific Water Wrks. Supply Supplies 10.96
Pacific Water Works Sup. Supplies 167.29
Western Utilities Supply Co Supplies 13.23
Dragness Office Sup. Co Supplies 42.39
Rensselaer Valve Co Supplies 43.z6
Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 152.53
American Ranking Co Blue Prints 1$.38
King County Auditor Pub. ec Advertizing 12.38
Tax Commission Excise Tax 196.98
C&J Sales Repair Truck 10.83
Bush. Hardware Supplies 6.82
Lumber Stores Inc. Expense 40.76
Puget Sound Stamp Wrks Expense .75
Kent Cement Block Co Iiaterial 69.99
Puget Sound Power & Light Lights 562. 57
Pasifft Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 41.39
Bills Texaco Service Gas & Oil 137.06
Valley Construction Co Water Mains 2,909.18
North Central Bach. Wrks Repair 26.32
Auburn Concrete Prod. Co Catch Basins 30.90
Standard Service Tire Co Grader Tires 108.90
King County Rd. Dist j2 Gravel 41.00
Field Enterprises Book 1.29
Trick & Murray Library Supplies 14-10
TIIe J.K.Gill Co Books 94.64
C.V.Erath Garbage Contract 777•21
Mayor Chas. ridges
City Clerk