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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 04/16/1951Kent Washington April 16, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council present, Mayor Pro tem Alex Thornton, Councilmen, Armstrong, Bell Randall, Seeman, ShaffT; Minutes read of the last regular meeting and approved; 'Report of officers read and filed, Clerks Treasurers & Budget; After disscussion on the dog situation, and dog catcher, Motion was passed to dismiss Mr. Braunschweig as dog catcher and for the clerk to notify him as such. -Discussion on street oiling this year from various people that attended the council meeting, I,iotion passed for the City to pay 1/3 of the cost and the entire intersections of streets and alleys, and the full charge shall not exceed .3W per ft. Motion passed to adopt resolution no. 323 for the approval of the list of employees that are entitled to prior service. Petition received from property owners on Iforth Central re- questing of the council for to provide a sewer in the back of their houses, instead of across the street on the opposite side. Motion passed to place the petition on file. Mr. Baffaro chairman of the Park Board was present and in- formed the council of the progress being done on the park property in the way of seeding, and the unfailing effort to get easments to extend Woodford Ave. North to the property for and additional acess to the park grounds. Mr. Guiles of Stokleys Food Plant was present to obtain permission to lay a side sewer down Pioneer St. for additional waste water from their plant. Motion was passed to instruct the City Engineer to look over the project and instruct them as to city proceedure. Motion was passed to have the police committee look into the dog situation and report back at the next meeting. Motion was passed to have the sanitation committee look over the dump grounds to see if is handled to the best advantage for the public on Saturdays and sundays and the contractor. I-Iotion passed to have the City EIngineer look over the brokensidewalks that need repair, and report back at the next meeting. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to call for bids for the unfinished portion of LID 229, at such time the engineer has the plans ready for the bidders. I,lotion passed to instruct the clerk to purchase furniture for the ITayor's office as submitted to the council, and to order four lights for the large room on the second floor of the City Hall. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOITED AS FOLL01,1S; Grunstads Cafe Jail i'ieals 15.44 28.85 Valley Hardware Supplies 1.66 Kent News Journal Publishirig Notice Statewide City Retirement i"iembership Repair 205.20 17.76 Thornton Auto Parts Police Car 8.30 C.S.Williams Police Expense 7.46 Pioneer Inc. Registration Supplies Wm. Ramstead Elect Co Repair Sewer Pumps 45.32 8.40 Daily Journal of Comm. notice Pozzi Bros Transportation Freight 23.77 66 Dave J. Iooney ilayors Expense • 287.91 i'lestern Utilities Co Supplies 76.53 Western Utilities Co Supplies L Tools 9.07 North Central I'•lach. Wrks Repair Tools 99•19 Auburn Concrete Products I.Ieter >oxes 196.99 City Transfer Fuel Oil U Hauling; 2.00 Gonnason Bros Gasoline Lease on Lot 10.00 II.L.Armstrong continued' 264 continued,:,-,:,*:* Pacific 01ater Works 1d. C . Jannsen Drilling; Go Dept. of Labor e� Industries Interstate Rubber Corp American Ranking Copy Co Rensselaer Valve Co Sipes Transfer Pacific Water Works Sup. Go Canyon i,,Iill Cc Dent Concrete Prod. Cc Woodworth Inc. The J.Y.Gil1. Co Gaylord Bros Inc. James W. Scott 117"STING ADJOURNED; 1,1ayo Supplies 7.95 '�%Iell drilling 123.60 Supplies 88.70 Blue 1'rirlt s 2.0.02 Supplies 70.76 St-oveOil 15.24 Hydrants on )id 43721•52 I<iaterial 9.27 :street-iaterial 3.11.E Blacktop 370'08 Looks 46.35 Supplies 3.66 Park Expense 492.00 Chas. Bridges city clerk