HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/05/1950 Kent Washington Sept. 5, 1950 Regular meeting of the City Council present, Mayor Mooney Councilmen, Armstrong, Pozzi, Seeman, Shaffer, Thornton; i Minutes read and approved of the last special meeting; Report of Officers read and filed; Police Report; Councilman Thornton reported that the culvert was installed on East Titus Street at Smith, and the City Crew done a very nice J) job, and that all was left was to install and construct a concrete end, and mount pipe guard rails. Petition was read in regard to property owners ,on North �'entrl requesting the city to install a storm sewer on the East Side of North Central to control the water on the walks in the winter . Motion was passed to place petition on file, and ammenment made to have the City Engineer give an estimated cost on the construction of same, amenment passed. Letter of reque t from Glen & Ed. Chittenden to have the Mayor and Clerk sign a petition for the city to have their place of business placed i the commerical zone. Motion passed to place the request in the hands .of the street committee, and amenment passed to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the petition if such action will make the required 510 of property owners in thed district. Ordinance No. 830 read on its second reading calling for an election, to submit the power buftness to the people, Motion p passed to adopt the ordinances by the unanimous vote of the council present. Supt. Mons Rod recommended to the council, that a electric thawing machine be purchased, so we could coupe with frezing weather conditions in our water system. Motion passed to have Rod and the water committee look into the purchase and size of a thawing machine and report at the next meeting. Councilman Armstrong made a recommendation as to sewer rates and connections for extended sewer service beyound the cit* limits. Motion passed to have the City Attorney draw up ordinance for such fees. Motion passed to have City Attorney draw up easment for the school sewer to be placed on city property on the Highway be- low the new school site. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to write Mr. Edmundson a letter in regard to the action of the council on the easement strip that they requested. Mayor made an anouncment that the chief of police shall train 50 men for reserves on the police force for civil defence, with no pay attached, and also the fire chief do likewise. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Police Salaries August $1326.68 Salaries August 34$0.30 Fire Dept Salaries August 220.00 Tax Commission Excise Tax 232.91 Emil' s Service Gas & Oil 171.46 Brondt Sporting Goods Shells 5.10 M.L.Armstrong Lease on Lot 10.00 Puget Sound Stamp Wrks. Office Supplies $: 50 Donald A. Bell Agent Ins. Prem. 1080.39 Rendezvous Cafe Meals for Officials 14.76 Valley Hardware Expense 2.65 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 54.27 continued i Continued Pioneer Inc. Office Supplies 3 .84 Addressograph Agency Office Expense 12. 88 P.S.P.&.L.CO Lights 37.98 Sunset Laundry Co Laundry 3.08 Harry Hopper Paint Contract Hall 623.15 Seattle Gas Co Expense 1.55 Western Utilities Sup. Co Supplies 63.07 Mac Boyker Pipe 25.95 C.J.Auto Sales Co Truck Expense 4.12 Strains Auto Co Tires Grader 99.81 Bush Hardware Tools 1.33 Holland Auto Rebuild Paint Thinner 7.21 Crane Co Supplies 69.49 D.J.McClure File Saws 2.83 Kent Hardware Expense 1.03 Auburn Concrete Prods Co Meter Boxes 97.34 Kent News Journal Printing & Publishing 32.03 Miles Drake Insp. & Eng. 629.48 Modern Cleaners Police Expense 1.10 Potlatch Xards Inc. Supplies 132.25 Armco Pipe Products Culvert Pipe per bid 987.01 Western Utilities Sup. Co Supplies 30.44 _Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 17$.70 Pacific el. & Tel. Co Phones 28.84 Roberts Co. Inc. Sewer Contract No.229 584.63 1AEETING ADJOURNED Chas. ,'ridges Ma o City Clerk i