HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/03/1950 i Kent Washington July, 3 , 1950 Regular meeting of the City Council, present Mayor Mooney Councilmen Armstrong, Bell, Pozzi, Randall,Seeman, Shaffer. . Minutes read of the last regular meeting and approved; Report of officers read and filed, police report ; Motion passed to discontinue the dog pound at present owing to the lack of funds in the budget, and upon recommendation of the last auditor in. regard. to the payment. Motion passed for the light committee to look over Alvord Ave. North of James Street, in regard to additional street lights. , Motion passed to award Jannsen Well Drilling Co the bid for the drilling of a test hole for water, for the sum of $5187. 50 that being low and :the best bid. Other bidders were L.B.Richardson $5475.00, James Bell & Son $6150.00, L.R.Gaudio $5963. 50, and A.P.Graf 5712.50. Motion passed to have the water dept. install a hydrant on west meeker at third ave. extended. Motion passed to call for bids on water pipe and fittings for the completion of the old wood mains in the distributation system. Letter read from the Flexible Sewer Rod Co. offering totake the winches back and give us credit on power winches that would do our sewer cleaning job faster and better, Motion passed to have the sewer committee make a study and report back at the next meeting. Engineer by letter recommended that the council wept as completed the water main contract with Meade Sand And Gravel Co by motion passed the contract was accepted as completed. Bid.q were opened and read for the purchasing of 54 ft. of drainage culvert pipe, one bid was received and read for the amount $16.36 per foot. Motion passed to wept bid if this pipe was approved ,by our City Engineer as to meeting the requirements. Mayor Mooney appointed Mrs. Anna Fisher as Librarian for a five year term, Mrs. Gertrude Bovell for a six year term to the Police Civil Service Commission, and Pete Baffaro for a three year term to the Park Board, all appointments were ,approved by the Council. Motion was passed to have the City Attorney advise the Sewage committee on the proceedure of the extension of sewer lines in North Park. 1,1r. Brett, appeared at the meeting to discuss the contract on the sewage treatment plant, and by motion passed he was requested to contact Carey And ,Assocciates, and report back at the next regular meeting with a better plan for the City. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Police Payroll June $1176.64 Fire Dept. Payroll June 220.00 Payroll For June 3441.58 Goddwill Industries Rags 2.78 Kent News Journal Publishing 22.45 Howard-Cooper Corp Fire Equipment 7.11 Seattle Gas Co Gas 1.55 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for Bids 21.90 H.B.Madison Bond Prem. 85.00 Hearne Brothers Office Map 38.63 Automatic Deodorant Co Supplies 6.00 Dragness Office Supplies Office Supplies 9.42 Gonnason Bros. Gasoline 1.75 M.L.Armstrong Lease on Lot 10.00 Tax Commission Excise Tax 194.60 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 26.36 D.J.McClure File Saws 2.32 Meade Sand & Gravel Co Tools & Bapplies 72.62 ��� continued***" �.esr Sri = =m Continrked*** P .S.P.&.L.CO Lights 43.37 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meters & Parts 424.93 Potlatch Yards Inc. Material 26.06 Marcus 0 Nelsen P.M. Stamps 33.06 Gonnason Radio Repair & Supplies 19.06 Valley Hardware Supplies 7.49 Kent Cement Block Co Supplies 88.99 Expense p .00 Auburn Concrete Products Supplies 31.93 F.M . Drake Insp. & Eng. 504.42 Siler Co Paint Thinner 5.25 . Kent Concrete Prod. Co Tile Pipe 16.12 C .V.Erath Garbage Contract 770.72 Adjourned- meeting to be held on the 7th. day of July at $T oclock- P.M. for the receiving of bids on L.I.D. #229 for the constructing of sewers. July 7, 1950 Adjourned meeting of July 3rd. present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Armstrong,Bell, Pozzi, Randall, Seeman, Shaffer - , Thornton. Bids were received from the following firms, and read, Roberts Company, $26572.77, F.W.Riddle, $38771.10, Rainier Co 3$070.44, Mattsen McCarthy Co. $41999,40, Valley Construction 28350.27, Mallaspina Co 36907•00, .L.Moss 10 $ 29242.06,tate Side Cons Harold E. Olds $39956.18, Fred gar $37865$3$.95.15. Motion passed for the council to recess for one hour -to study the bids, and have the engineer check same. Council reconvined and motion -passed the unanimous vote to award the contract to Roberts & Co, and the Mayor and Clerk sign the contract as soon as the State Health Dept., approved the planns. Meeting Adjourned; �- y r Chas. Bridget City Clerk.