HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/04/1948 160 Kent Washington October 4, 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Mooney, Council- men, Armstrong, Edline , Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth. Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Police report read and filed; Councilman Sells reported on the progress of the building, and the progress the light Co were making on the residential light system. Councilman Armstrong recommended and made a motion to have the street drain opened up between Second and Third on Cole St.Motion passed by the unanimous vote of the Council present . Councilman Armstrong recommended that Mr. Oliver on Hazel Ave. be given permission to extend the eight inch sewer, from the Dr. McAllister sewer North 600 ft . on the East Side of Hazel, with the supervision and &ftspection of the City Engineer, and to become the part of the Citie' s systefn. Motion passed to accept the recommend- ation of the sewer committee. Councilman Worth reported on the meeting with various Bondbng Cos and recommended to have the Council as a whole on the committee to take action.The Mayor called a ppecial meeting of the Council, for sefen o' clock P.M'. Thursday, October 7th. for the discussion on a bond issue for the water dept. The V.F.W. requested of the Council , the permission to have a Club for their use and families and friends. After some disscussion it was held over till the next regular meeting, for action. Letter read from the Ming County Commissioners opposing Charter Amendment # 13. Motion of the Council passed also opposing the measure, it being a very grave detriment to this part of the County. Letter read from the Milwaukee in regard to the lease on the ppuzr track at the Blue Banner Foods Co, asking the City to return the -instruments so they shall have completed the transaction. Motion passed to have the Clerk write a letter to the R.R.Co. stating what action has been taken. Hearing held on the 1949 Budget , and no objections as passed at the last regular meeting the Budget Ordinance was read and passed by the unanimous vote of the Council present. The Tax Levy Ordinance was read and passed by the unanimous vote of the Council present. Bids were opened and read for the laying of the Canyon Pipe ]Line three bids were received, One for $7194.00 $ 6555.00 and the low for $ 3600.00. that bid belonging to Mr. Zingmark of Seattle, and by Motion passed it was awarded to Mr. Zingmark. A speaker for the Phillipinos in the Valley was in attendance at the meeting and asked the Council if they could do anything about them not being able to buy beer at some of the Taverns in Kent, that they had been refused for no good reason. Motion passed to referr this matter to the Chamber of Commerce , for investigation. Mr. Edmundson reported that his street in the front of his property was torned up by the grader last summer, and it was in a very bad condition and should be fixed. , this report was placed in the hands of the street committee. Motion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the night- firemen, praising them on the fine work they did on the audutorum and stage floor, by sanding and re-varnishing same. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payroll Sept. 2964.45 Police Payroll Sept. 1155. 55 Fire Uept. Sept. 185.10 Eugene VanBergh Labor on Floor 11.00 W. S.Darley & Co Fire Pump 225.00 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 8.76 Fryer- Knowles Building Supplies 13. 54 Chas. Bridges Vac. work 64.90 P.S.P .&.L.CO Lights 349.72 Washington Brick & Lime Tile 657.37 United Janitor Sup. Co Janitor Sup. 5. 67 _1 Automatic Deodorant Co - Supplies 6.00 I Seattle Gas Co Gas 1.35 ! Sunset Laundry Laundry 10.85 Kent Hardware Supplies 18.40 continued***"* 161 continued*"** Kent News Journal Publishing 3 . 50 Modern Cleaners Jail Expense •63 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 22 •19 Kirschner & Plovie Gas & oil 135.90 Auburn Concrete Products Material 66.30 Mac Boyker Supplies 2.68 Johnson Furniture Supplies 11.26 M.L.Armstrong Lease 10.00 Bush Hardware Material & Supplies 38.42 Van Waters & Rogers Supplies 24.00 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for Bids 10. 50 King County Rd. Dist # 2 Material 15.00 Kent Cement Block Co Tile 19.37 Sipes Transfer Oil 15.76 Miro- Flex Co Street Signs 2•22 City Transfer Oiling Street 106.10 Gonnason Bros Mower Repair 1.47 C.V.Erath Garbage Contract 787.09 Wm Ramstead Elect Co Contract on Hall 986•85 Meeting Ad 'ou ed; Chas. Bridges C City Clerk. I