HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1948 Kent Washington July 6th. 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Armstrong, Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth. Minutes read and approved of last previous meeting. Officers report read and filed, police . Report of Patrolman Scribner attending the Red Cross Aquatic School at Bremerton, was placed on file , by motion passed. Councilman Sells reported on the progress of additional street lights that the Power Company have promised, but they will not be available until some time in Sept. Letters read from the Northern Pacific R.R.Co, and State Dept. of Transportation in regard to an answer to the City Attorney, re- quest to lower the speed of trains through the City. , they will take this matter up with- the engineers that pass through the City. Ordinance No. 794 was read and passed by the unanimous vote 'of the Council present , for the vacation of a portion of Alvord Ave. in Marlowe' s Addition to Kent. Ordinance # 795 was read and passed by the unanimous vote of the council present for the vacation of two strips of land on the west side of Central Ave.in Washington' s Central Improvement Cobs First Addition to Kent. Call for bids on supplying fuel oil for the heating of the City Hall, 1there were no bids received, by motion passed the Clerk was instructed to purchase fuel oil for the heating of the building. Water committee recommended to reject all bids on the laying of the $" water pipe from Central to the North Hill reservoir, stating that they were to high and could be to much force account work, and recommended that they put it out on time and material, to cut down the cost.Motion passed to give the water committee and the water Supt . power to go ahead with the construction of the renewal of the main, and the work to be under the supervision of the water Supt . Motion was passed to have the present pinball ordinance amended and what regulations that are necessary, as recommended by the finance and police committee , to give more than one person a chance to obtain a master license for the operation of pinball machines in the City. Mr. Bob Morrison was present at the meeting and recommended that the streets in his neighbor hood be fixed , this request was placed in the hands of the Street `a-dd drainage committee for study. Motion was passed to proceed with the LID in North Park, and bring the assessment roll up to date . Motion was passed to have the engineer give an estimate on the cost of a sewer system on Naden Ave. as requested at the last meet- ing. Bids were openadd and read for the construction of an extension on the James St.culvert , by motion they were placed in the hands of the Street Committee for study, and report at the next meeting. Motion passed to have the water committee look over the roof on the North Hill Reservoir, and make a report as to the condition, if need to be repaired. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payroll For June $3592.00 Police Payroll For June 1155. 55 Fire Dept . For June 185.10 John M.A.Morris Parts for Police Car 7•84 Automatic Deodorant Co Supplies 6.00 Sunset Laundry Laundry 7.25 Washington Brick & Lime Freight on Sewer Pipe 168.92 IT It it it ,t ,t 168. 59 John Turcott Dog Catcher 41.00 Sipes Transfer Fuel Oil 21.88 Kent News Journal Printing .96 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for Bids 19.20 P. S.P.&.L.CO Lights 316. 57 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 487. 50 Pacific Water Works Sup. Co Sup. 94.63 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meter Parts 193 . 13 ----- continued----- J.CJL \x ----- continued----- PeoplesNat . Bank of Renton Trenching for pipe $458.70 E.N.Hallgren Co Supplies 4.12 Rensselaer Vale Co Hydrant 189.83 Tax Commission Excise Tax 169.79 E.G.Forbes Supplies 655.94 Valley Hardware Supplies 10.1.9 White ' s Time Oil Gas & oil . 149.18 Gonnason' s Repair 6.22 Bush Hardware Supplies 4.40 Kent Motors Truck Repair 15. 58 The Miro Flex Co Traffic Signs 245. 66 Nelson Equipment Co Mower Parts 6.27 Standard Oil Co , Kerosene 9. 56 James S. Hinckley: Street Painting 85. 80 Kent Cement Block Co Drain Tile 6.18 Americana Corp. Books 7. 50 Hertzberghs Wash. Bindery Book Repair- 20.91 J.K.Gill Co Books 20.41 White River Feed Co Fish Food 7.73 C .V.Erath Garbage Contract 811.16 Meeting djourned c. Chas. Bridges City Clerk. I