HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1948 Kent Washington May 3 , 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Mooney, ' Councilmen Edline Morrill Seeman Sells Thornton Worth. Minutes read and approved for the last regular meeting; Report of officers read and filed; Police report. i Motion was passed to reject the one bid received on the well, as opened and read last meeting from the Janssen Drilling Co. of Seattle. Letter read from the Continental Can Co. of Seattle, asking the Council to sign a waiver of Landlord' s Lien on .machines that are leased to the Blue Banner Foods Co, that are leasing our property, Motion passed to have the finance committee look over the waiver . and report at the next meeting. Petition received from the City Transfer asking for a vacation of an alley running north & south through Block 2 of Ramsay' s ADD. to Kent , by motion it was placed in the hands of the Street Comm- . ittee for investigation, and report at the next meeting. Letter received from the City Transfer requesting a permit to install a set of public scales in the parking strip on Shinn St. By motion passed was reffered to the Street Committee, with power . to act . Letter read from Mr. Bicknell manager of the P.S.P.&.L.CO stating that the new street lights were up to par. Letter read from the State Department of Highways requesting . the City to install proper markers and traffic signs along the Hiways that pass through Kent.Motion passed to have the street committee find out the cost of the installation by the state. Letter read on the State using some of its surplus monies, for Cities to use in construction work such as Treatment plants, motion passed to have the finance committee give this letter study. M.L.Armstrong was nominated to fill the vacancy of C.S.Farman on the council,• motion passed for nominations to be closed, Motion was passed by the unanimous vote of the council to elect Mr. Armstrong to the vacant seat in the council. Motion was passed to have the Mayor and Clerk sign a lease with the R.R.Co for the spur track, when at such time that the Blue Banner Foods, presented their part of the contract in regard to the maintenance of same. The police committee recomended, " in majority" that the Tavern limit be set at nine instead of eight . Motion was passed to limit the number of Taverns at eight as the last Resolution calls for. Mayor brought to the attention of the council, the lax way beer wine and cigarettes were sold to minors, and recommended to the council that their should be direct action taken against buisness men that will sell to minors. Motion was passed to have the police chief enforce the law in this respect, and for this information to be conveyed to the Liquor Board Inspector in this district . Bids were opened and read from several pipe suppliers, 8000 ft. of 4" & 61' water pipe. Motion was passed to have the water committee with the Water Supt. check over the bids for final award, or rejection. Recommendation was presented to the Council to have a bull rail installed by the operator of the Vale Theater, at the fire exit to keep cars from blocking same. Motion was passed to have the police and Fire Committee act on this recommendation. Mr. Mortensen of Scenic way was present at the council to see if � ._ he could get action on his request on the recending of councilmatic action on the construction of a roadway by Mr. Thatcher, past his plave, request denied for the third time . Motion passed to instruct the Clerk to renew the call for bids for the drilling of a well for the. water Dept . Motion passed to allow Mons Rod $50.00 for expenses to attend the water works concention at Bosie Idaho. Emerson Thatcher' s term expired on the Planning Commission,the Mayor appointed Mr. Daniel Anderson for a six year term, in his place. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payroll April $3034.85 April 10$5.15 Police Payroll A P Fire Dept. April 185.10 continued***** ****continued*** Daily Journal of Commerce Bid call 12.30 Olympic Foundry Co Manhole Covers 1$. 54 The Flax Co Office Supplies 3. 50 Concrete Construction Co Repair Sewert 529.84 Puget Stamp Works Dog Tags 13.26 Pioneer Inc. Supplies 12.37 Valley Hardware Supplies 11. 57 P.S.P.&.L.CO Lights 314.76 E.G.Forbes Eng. & Insp. 410.07 Standard Oil Co Gas & Oil 101.21 Clarkts Weling Shop Repair 86.63 Valley Machine Shop Repair 9.01 E.N.Hallgreen Co Supplies 14.68 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meters & Parts 230. 51 Standard Oil Co Oil 9. 56 Tax Commission Excise Tax 176.24 Farman Hardware Tools 1.70 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 77.87 Mons Rod Concention Expenses 50.00 Potlatch Yards Inc. Supplies 47.47 Western Tractor Equip. ' Co Grader Repair 83.31 Sipes Transfer Fuel Oil 10.69 Kent Cement Block Co Tile 50.47 Joe Hougardy Sharpen Mowers 8.24 C.V.Erath Garbage Contract 770.29 Roy T.Johnson Fence 89.37 Me ing djourned; C Y-- 2s�. Br dges City Clerk. i 3