HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/19/1948 Kent Washington April 19, 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council present, Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Edline, Morrill, Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth. Minutes read and approved for the last regular meeting; Officers report read and filed; Clerk' s Treasurers, and Budget. Finance recommended to place $2000.00 of insurance on the new Fire Station, while under construction, Motion was passed to have Mr. Stan Torsak place the insurance in force. - Letter read from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce in regard to Hay Seed days during the Cornucopia Festival, and the cooperation of the Council in regard to the Kangaroo Court proceedings,Motion was passed to place the letter on file without action. ' The matter was brought to the attention of the Council in regard to the dunking of people in the City Park for a fine in connection with the Kangaroo Court. Motion was passed to have the Clerk write a letter to the J.Cts suggesting that they should use other means than the use of the pool for fines, and the intent of this motion was not to curtail their fun in the Kangaroo Court. Letter read form Mr. Mortenson of Scenic Way asking the Council to recind the motion for Mr. Thatcher to proceed with the drive way into his property, as long as he was not us#, it for such, and make the property available for Mr. Mortenson�to clean out and restore his rose bed. Motion was passed to place letter on file with no action as requested. Letter .was read from Mrs. Laura Straub in regard to the way the Council was treating bidders on City Jobs, that they were not cond ducting buisness of the City in a fair and buisness like manner. Motion was passed to have the Special building committee dictate a letter of reply , to the City Clerk and be mailed to Mrs. Straub. The resignation of C.S.Farman from the Council was read by the Clerk, and was accepted by motion with regrets, . Motion was passed to have the Clerk write a letter to Mr. Farman for the past splendrd work he has rendered, and hoping that he will improve in health. Petition received and read to the Council from the Alliance Gospel Tabernacle Inc . and Mr. Oscar Allender to have the City vacate a strip of ground along the Hi-way that adjoins their property on the East Side of Block 4 W.C.I .Co First Add. Motion was passed to have the Street Committee and City Attorney look into the matter. Petition was received from the Kent Inter Church Assn. and the W.C.T.U. and about 270 residents in protest to increasing the number of Taverns,and not allowing the Stores to sell beer by the package. Motion was passed to have the police committee give this issue more study and report at the next regular meeting. Motion was passed to purchase various traffic -signs to the amount of $261.00. Motin was passed for the Water Committee and the Supt. to call for bids on steel pipe to the amount needed to supply water to the Marlowe Addition to Kent. Councilman Thornton brought to the attention of the Council, a re- quest from the Merchant Patrol, for a full time commission in the Police Dept.This request was denied by motion passed, and for the last ruling to stand in regard to the powers of the Merchant Patrol. Bids were opened for the drilling of a well for the water Dept. One bid was submitted from the Jannsen Drilling Co of Seattle, Motion was passed to have it placed in the hands of tie water committee, the Engineer and the City Attorney for study. Bids were opened for the sale of the City Scale, one bid was re- ceived from the City Transfer for $216. 50 , by motion and passed this bid was accepted. Motion was passed to give the Park Board permmission to build a concrete block tool shed on the park property, at a cost below $500.00. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; American LaFrance Foamite Co Supplies $23.85 Grover Nelson Motor Co Repair Police Car 59.44 TurinP Saf'pty Annl.iRne!P Co Pquipment 21.19 Thornt6ns Auto Parts Police Car Repair 38.88 �� Continued***** PIC Continued**** General Casualty Co. Ins. Claim $16.35 Automatic Deodorant Co Supplies 6.00 Trick & Murray Furniture 268.02 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 21. 55 Hugh G. Purcell Co Pipe Fittings 733.05 King County Rd. Dist # 2 Material $$.50 Kent Cement Block Co Tile 9.74 McIntyre Construction Co Construction 7038.36 Wm. Ramstead Electric Co Construction 61.43 �.1 MEE NG A JOURNED; Chas. Bridges City Clerk. I