HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/05/1948 Kent Washington April. 5, 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth. Minutes read and approved for March 15 , 1948. Report of Officers read and filed; Mr. Rod feported on the break in the trunk sewer line , and reported that it was being repaired by a crew of men, and it would be ok in a few days. Engineer reported on the progress of the well, that it was about, ready to be put out for bids. Motion was passed to have the Clerk call for bids , for the drill- ing of said well, when authorized by the water committee as to whenn the bid sheets would be available to contractors. Motion was passed for the finance committee to place insurance on the new fire station. Motion was granted Mr. Soams permmissi.on to plant oats on the three acres that the City purchased for the Sewage I)ispoaal Plant Site. Motion was passed to instruct the City Attorney to write a letter to the the King County Health Dept . in regard to the enforcement of the Rainier Foods Inc . to connect their drainage to the sewer. The Council received a request for a beer license at the Blinker Cafe, the request was refered to the Police Committee for study. The ilayor and Clerk were instructed to sign a _letter of permmi_ssion to the P. S.P.&-L.CO. to place a pole on City Property, to attach wires of service for the City Hall and other building. Motion was passed to place a letter from the State Liquor Board on file in regard to the increase of our liquor profits due to the in- crease of our population at the last Census. Letter received from the Merritt ' s Electrical Rebuild at 102 I,,. Titus St . in regard to the injustice the No Parking Signs did his buisness. Motion passed to place the letter in the hands of the Police Comirti.ttee and the Chief of Pol&&e. Motion was passed to purchase a paint machine for the st-siping of the streets, for the surr of $492.34. Motion was passed for perminission given to Mr. Ira Pederson to lay a sewer North on the Last Side of liazftl Ave . starting at a point 242 ft. North of Temperance St .when sewer is completed becomes the property of the City, after final inspection by the City Engineer. Motion passed to have the Engineer set all grades and final inspection and during the course of construction, and be paid by the owner. Motion was passed for the Police Committee to study and formulate plans for a Dieaste.r committee , for any disaster that might happen. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; James 0. All-read Salary $1905.75 Salaries March 2859.40 Fire Dept . Salaries 173 .35 Police Dept. Salaries 1286.34 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 151. 56 Fulton' s Auto Upholstry Pol�ie Repair 2.06 John Turcott Dog Catcher 42.25 Sipe ' s Transfer Fuel Oil 136.60 Hazen Printing Co Police Printing 63 . 57 Sunset Laundry Laundry 9.72 United Janitors Sup. Co Supplies 48. 67 E.G.Forbes Insp. &. 'Engineering 114.06 Pacific Tel.. & Tel. Co Phones 24.25 Valley Garage Gas & Oil 12 .33 Valley Hardware Supplies 3 .01 Dept. of Labor & Industries Ins. & Ailed. Aid 75. 29 E. G.Forbes Insp. R Eng. 72.79 Potlatch Yards Inc . Material 481.01 Standard Oil Co Gas &� oil 50.74 P. S.P.&,.L.CO Lights 46. 56 147 W F F�=Jx continued***"*"" Farman Hardware Supplies $4.4.62 Kent News Journal Adv. & Rrinting 242.09 e 832. 53 Garbage C .V.Era h g Hugo Myre File Saws 5.00 Rensselaer Valve Co Hydrant Parts 21.15 Bush Hardware Supplies 15.60 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 174.30 Gonnason' s Supplies 1.75 Daily Journal of Commerce Adv. Bid 8.00 Kent Cement Block Co Tile 6. 18 Valley Machine Shop Street Repair 3 .20 Traffic Safety Sup. Co Traffic Signs 30.36 The J X Gill Co Books 16. 24 MEETING ADOURNED; ` Chas. Bridges City Clerk.