HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/15/1948 Kent Washington March 15, 1948.. Regular meeting of the City Council present, Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Farman,Plorrill, Seeman, Sells, 'Thornton, Worth. Minutes read and approved, March 1. , 1948. Report of officers read and filed ; Budget , Treasurers, and Clerk ' s. Motion was passed to have a standard erected at Fourth & Meeker in :front of. the Vale Theater, instead of making it .fast to the building at a cost of not to exceed �150.00. Motion was passed to have a concrete slab poured in the rear of the new fire station, for hose washing; purposes. Councilman Farman reported on the progress that was made in regard to the Rainer Foods, dumping there waste water in the street , and requested athe clerk to t-ead a letter from the King County health Dept. giving the Rainier Foods until April to have this condition taken careof. The City Engineer reported on the progress of the well, and staged that the State Board of Health had the Specifications, and would act on them in side of two weeks or thirty days,and the specification were ready for calling for bids as soon as the property was secured by option, and further steps would require the drawing up of the pumping station and the pumps. The Clerk was instructed to advertise according to law, for the water rights for the p&&ce of property of Mr . Feroe ' s where the well would be located. Motion was passed for the water committee to proceed with. the pumping system, and pumps. Motion was passed for the Park Board to get permmission from- the N.P .R.CO, inregard to the construction of a small tool_ house in the park along the R.R.Way rightaway. Motion was made for the Clerk to acknowlage a letter of invitation to Washington D.C. in regard to the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, at such time the Green River Flood Control Project may be discussed. Motion passed for the Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Salmon of North Park, in answer to his letter, recommending that there be a street light placed in the middle of the block on North Third Ave . between Winner && Cloudy, and for the periodic inspection of the drainage ditched along the streets. Letter read from Mrs. Appleton of fdorth Park, in regard to the action the Council , on parking metters, and the general conduct of their meetings, motion passed to place same on file. Letter read from the State Census Board requesting an estimate of the Census. Motion passed for the estimate to be left in the hands of the finance committee and the Clerk. Emergency Ordinance for the payment of J .O.Allread as chief of police for seven months in 1947 was passed by roll call vote all councilmen present voting yea. Emergency Ordinance for the payment of F.M.Imhoff as patrolman for seven months of 1947, and to the limit of the budget for patrolman and Special police , was passed by roll call vote all councilmen present voting yea. Resolution passed by the unanimous vote of the council present to transfer certain monies from the B.I .& R. fund to the Current Expense Funs$.# 291. Resolution Passed by the unanimous vote of the Council present to transfer certain monies to the Washington Development Sewage Fund from the Cum. Sewage Fund. # 292. City Attorney read and agreement of a license to use a lot of Mr. M.L.Armstrong, for the use of storage of water Dept . material for the sum of $10.00 per month, with a credit of $40.00 for the placing of gravel on the lot by the City.Motion was passed for I'lip, finance committe with the attorney to have power to act on this license. Owing to the fact that the city has been lending out chairs from the City Hall and they not being returned,Plotion was passed to let no chairs leave the building, and to arrange to have them placed under lock and key. "lotion for the clerk to place an add in the paper for all people having, city chi.rs in their posse ss_*,,,,!gn please retunn them at once. Motion was passed to have the clerk bring the city house number map up to date . continued= a x 14V �a continued",** Clerk submitted prices on a chair and a desk to be used in his office Desk $162.00 Chair p 75. 50. ?,,lotion passed for the Clerk to order, Desk & Chair. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALL01,1ED AS FOLLOWS; Trick & Murray Police supplies $114. 13 Donald W. Close Co Final St . Light Con, 1785 .00 Kent. News Journal Publishing 2$. 58 Sipes Transfer Oil City hall 92.89 Hazen Printing Co Police Expense 1.08 Grover Nelson Motors Police Repair 57.98 Jeanne M. Mallory Typing Annual Report 4. 50 Kent Motors Police Repair 30. 85 Valley Hardware Supplies 5.00 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meters 391.40 Panther Oil Co Material 150. 83 Pioneer Inc. Supplies 3 .71- Beery Ins. Co Ins. On Water Blfg. 97.75 Farman Hardware Sup. & Tools 4.48 Walter Bjork Wages 44.77 Emil Holstad Wages 96. 80 Clarks Welding Shop Repair Street 10.30 King Co. Rd. Dist # 2 Material 75.00 Western 'Tractor & Equip Co Grader Repair 18.39 Kent Cement Block Co Street Drain Tile 62. 27 F.A. Straub Catch Basin 26.78 J.K.Gil_l Co Books 20•28 Chas. Scribner Sons Books 58.90 Hertzberg Wash. Bindery Expense 96. 68 Anna Fisher Expense 2.00 McIntyre Conctruction Co New Bldg. Tlaterial 2763 . 88 MEk:TING ADJOURNED Chas. Bridges City Clerk.