HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1947 YGb J Kent Washington October 20,1947• Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Seeman, Sells,Thornton, Worth. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 6th. and adjourned meet- ing of Tues. 7;30 P.M. October 7th. read and approved; Report of Officers read and filed, Budget, Treasurer' s and Cler s, Councilman Seeman reported on the progress that was being made in regard to the installation of the traffic blinker light at 4th. & Meeker, word received from the factory that it would be about a week , before the installation would proceed owing to the lack of a timer required.. Councilman Seeman as a recommendation ": -, the police committee would require about $ 350.00 to have the streets- markeo and proper cross-walk, and parking zones created. By motion of the unamimous vote of the council the request of the police committee was granted. Councilman Worth reported that the new pickup truck was in service and the old one turned in as per bid of the Kent T.,Iotors, and such new truck to be paid for in 1948. Mr. Rod reported that the request of Mr. Novak of_ .Eabt Smith St. in regard to the drainage on Smith St. has nearkly been complet- ed. Ordinance on the fixing the rate on the collection of garbage passed the unanimous vote of the council_ present . ?etition received from property owners on McMillan St . re- questing of the Council to take some action as to the feasibility of the installation of a sewer system in their district . 14otion was passed to have the Sanitation committee give this their attention and report back to the next meeting. Request of the police committee was granted for extra men to work on Halloween nights, by motion passed. Mr. Appleton of North 3rd. Ave. advised the Council. that if some of the streets in North Parkwere not drained, they would have flocks of ducks to contend with, and also advise the council as to the proceedure of bonding engineers and contractors, to hold them to their contracts. Motion was passed for the street committee to get action on the stoppage of the drain on second and 3rd. and Dole St . caused by the contractor that laid the water main last summer. Motion was passed to have Mr. Forbes the City Engineer to see what damage that might be caused by his inspector permitt- ing the water pipe contractor to break the drain tile , and cause a water pipe to be laid at the same grade , at both 2nd. ave. and 3rd. Ave. at Cole Street .With no further cost to the City he shall have this obstruction cleared. Mr. Rod requested of the Council to have a heater and a tool box installed on the new pickup truck for the water Dept. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Ruth Bassett Typing U 4.25 P . S.P .&.L. CO St . Lights 270.1�0 Howard- Cooper Corp. Supplies 5.15 Kent Motors Repair 5.41 Kent Auto Parts Police Expense 2 .97 Kent News Journal Pub. Ordinances 28.24 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 15.00 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 11. 36 Mac Boyker Supplies3 5 • ?6 Donald A.Bell Lic . & Title 2. 25 Clark' s Welding Shop Repair 17. 51 King County Rd. Dist jf2 Gravel & Blacktop 11?. 50 Lumber Stores P,Iaterial 12.32 C .J.Fetterly Labor on Streets 73 .70 MEETI G A JOURNED; Chas. Bridges City Clerk.