HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1947 IZ4
Kent Washington, October 6, 1947.
Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor lilooney,
Councilmen, Edline , Farman, Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth.
Minutes of Sept , read and approved;
Report of Officers read and filed, Police report ;
Letter read from Mr. Novak of Smith &. Clark Street requesting
the council to improve the drainage in front of his property,
Motion was passed to have the committee investigate the condition
and make a report .
Letter read from the Census Board stating that they had re-
ceived the census count of 3217.
The hearing on Marlowe ' plat was held and no objections except
the restrictionlof races in the dedication, Motion was passed to
accept the plat if the race question was stricken from the
dedication. Ordinance creating the addition was passed by the
unanimous vote of the council.
The budget for 1948 was presented and hearing held,and no
objections raised except to the salary of the Health Officer,
and by motion made the Health Officer was placed on a fee basis
instead of a monthly salary.
Motion was passed by the unanimous vote of the council to pass
Ordinance on the budget , and on the Tax levy as read.
Petition was received with a great amount of names, in regartd
to the leting of the garbage contract to Mr. Erath the lowest
bidder, Mr. Hauge petitioned the council stating that fie should
be considered, in various ways for the contract . Motion was passed
by the unanimous vote of the council to file the petition, that
the contract was awarded to the lowest and best bid, and the
contractor was doing the work.
One bid was received for a pickup truck for the water Dept .
to be purchased from the 1948 budget , and b� unanimous vote of
the council it was accepted. One Chevrolet z ton pickup
for the amount of $1226.00 plus 3% sales tax, and an allowance
of $ 400.00 for the old 1939 ford pickup. This bid was submitted
by Kent Motors.
Motion was passed to have the water committee act on the bid
in regard to the old truck allowance.
Mr. Clark refreshed the council on the filing on rock creek
water rights, that it will soon expire.
Mayor Mooney announced. to the council that there was a very
important school election being held on Oct . 9,
Motion was passed for an adjourned meeting until 7; 30 P.M-
Tuesday evenning October 7 1947, to approve the final plans
of the sewage treatment plant, and discuss same.
Payroll For Sept . $3486.05
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 15.93
Harold Shay Typing planning Com. 25 .00
Trick & Murray Office Supplies 52. 57
Kent News Journal Publishing 81.60
Sipe ' s Transfer Fuel Oil 102.49
John Hauge Haul St . Sweepings 30.00
Hazen Printing Co Police Printing 80.65
Alaska Junk Co Toilet for Jail 15. 45
E.G.Forbes Bldg. Inspection 45.10
Rensselaer Valve Co Hydrants on contract 1923 . 53
Marckmann & Williams Supplies 263 .09
Valley Typewriter Exch. Repair Add. Plach. 15.45
Addressograph Agency Repair supplies 3•02
Valley Hardware Supplies 15.02
Auburn Concrete Prod. Co Supplies 51.70
State Treasurer Ins. 91 Med. Aid 51. 82
Valley Garage Truck Repair 54• 83
Gonnason' Gas �- Oil 165.97
��r.�� 311•89
T.S.Brain Supplies 4•12
Kent Cement Block Co
=�= continued=
King County Rd. Dist ## 2 Gravel &: Blacktop 38.25
Rasmussen Motor Co Street Repair 7.73
Anna Fisher Lib. Supplies 4. 68
Gaylord Bros Supplies 30.2F
J.K.Gill Co Books 59. 80
Bush Hardware Co Gas Can 2.01
John Hauge Garbage Uontract 759.95
Riply & Webber Architects 2362• 30
Rockwell Mfg. Co Meter 74.98
Potlatch Yards Inc . Material 1$.71
Adjourned regular meeting Tues. 7.30 P.M. present , Mayor Mooney
councilmen, Earman, Seeman, Sells,Thornton, Worth.
Meeting was turned over to the chairman of the sanitation com
mittee , Mr. Farman, he called on the engineering firm of Carey
and associates to explain in detail to the council the final
planns of the desposal plant , and Mr. Forbes our city engineer.
present at this time three were A2r. Jenson of the State Health
Dept. Mr. Jack Taylor of the State Pollution Committee , and Mr.
Crammer and Mr. Livenston of Carey 8, As 3ociates. ,with a good
representation frorn the food Industries .
The plant was explained in detail, by the Engineers, and various
questions were asked of the State Health Bept . in regard to their
regulations. , and the acceptance of the plant as designed.
Motion was passed to referr the matter of finance to the Health, &
Finance committees to work with the engineers to obtain ways of
bond issues.
Meeting Adjourned.
_____------Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.