HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/02/1947 Kent Washington, Sept . 2, 1947. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor pro tem Sells, Councilmen, Edline, Farman, Seeman, Sells, Thornton, Worth. Minutes of August 18th. read and approved; Report of officers read and filed; Police Report . Councilman Seeman reported that thereshould be more traffic signs installed along the highways into the City, and at the school zones, and recommended that they be purchased. Motion was passed to purchase signs to the amount of. $70.00. Councilman Seeman reported that no consideration was given yet in regard to the Pin-Ball ordinance. Councilman Thornton reported on the parking meter question, and stated th that they were being used in most all other Cities, to regulate the parking problem, and he and the committee recommended that they be installed in Kent ,Motion was {Wade and seconded to install parking meters but lost ,the opinion of the Council that this issue should have more study. Mr. John Turcott handed in his resignation as the City Dog Catcher, and by motion, it was accepted. Motion was passed to grant Mr. Stewart an honorary police commission to carry on the buisness of Mercha nt Patrol, for the buisness houses in the City that wished that service. Letter from the Supt . of the Kent High Schools in regard to the re- placment of the fence that was taken out by the contractor that constructed the culvert at James St. , and was not replaced. Motion was passed to have the street committee take direct action on this matter. Letter also from the Supt. of schools in regard to the sunken walks at the Elementary School , that caused children to have wet feet, go- ing and coming from school, Motion passed to have the street committee with Mr. Rod check in to same and report at the next meeting. Suggested by Councilman Seeman to have installed a caution light on Meeker street and Fourth Ave. owing to the heavy traffic during the time of the show hours. Motion was passed to have the police committee check on the cost of the installation of such a light. Motion was passed to instruct the clerk to call for bids to renew the garbage contract for two years.Bids to be opened on Sept. 15, 1947. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payroll August $3434.45 Lowman & Hanford Co J.P.Expense 2.07 Hazen Printing Co Police Expense 17.92 Kent , News Journal Call for Bids 14.40 Monroe Calulating Co Contract 22.66 Merrets Electrical Rebuild Repair Motor 6.00 Reedcroft Kennels Dog Board 4. 50 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for Bids 10.75 Roy Beery Ins. Insurance Prem. 8.47 Trick &. Murray Office Supplies 2.37 Pacific Tel. Tel. Co Phones 13 .37 Tax Commission Excise Tax 230.09 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 163 .29 P. S.P.&.L.CO Lights 40.69 H .D.Fowler Co Pipe Contract 1792.15 Louis Jacobson Repair Tools 4. 50 I1 North Pacific Bank Note Co. Bond Printing 51.96 Brondt Auto Sup. Co Tools 4.78 Potlatch Yards Inc. St . Material 7.73 City Transfer Street Oiling 333 .29 John Hauge Garbage Contract 785.45 Bon Franklin Steve Office Sup. 2.16 Bush Hardware Power Mower 203 .43 Meeti g Adj urned; r,ha�. Rri�g�s City Clerk.