HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/04/1947 119 Kent Washington, Au-ust 4, 1.947. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Edline ,Farman, Seeman, Sells,Thornton,`,%Forth. Minutes read and approved of July, 21 , 19)f7 ; Report of officers read and filed. Police report ; Worth reported on the progress that the finance committee had made with the Milwaukee R.R.Co. inregard to the payment and cost of the spur track into the Blue Banner Food Co' s plant, owing to urgent need of this spur for shipment of the oils the Company use in manufacturing, the letter from the I'.Iilwaukee submitted a cost of 1,k322.00 for the construction of the spur and a rental_ of the rails that amounted too :�1240.00 at 6%,we are working to get this amount reduced to at least $2000.00,and would like to have power to expend up to $2000.00 on this spur. Motion passed to give the finance committee power to act , to expend up to J2000.00 for the Milwaukee to construct a spur track up to 500 ft . into the City owned plant , that is leased by the Blue Banner Food Co. Motion was passed to dispose of the use of the present motor- cycle officer, that has been working_ off and on in the police dept . Motion was passed to instruct the Clerk to write to the Census Board to obtain instructions to proceed with taking new census, and for the Mayor to contact various clubs, in regard to taking the census count . Motion passed to instruct the clerk to write 11r. Mortensen' s attorneys in regard to the drive way at 6cenic Way, in answer to their letter. Petition received from property owners on Last Smith St . And Alvord Ave. requesting the council to create an L.I.D. for sewage purposes by laying a lateral for same . Motion passed to reffer the petition to the Sewage committee for action. Motion was passed for the clerk to write a letter to the County Commissioners in regard to drawing their, attention for better flood contral conditions along the river. Mayor brought to the attention of the Council , the matter of ' parking meters, and requested of the police committee to give a thorough investigation on the cost and need for same. I4ayor called to the attention of the council about Section 4 of the Pin-Ball Ordinance ,and recommended it should be changed that it was not necessary to have the pintiball operators here in Kent obtain a license from the County Commissioners. Motion was passed to refer the Pin-Ball ordinance to the Police committee and City Attorney. 401V Motion was passed for the Clerk to call for bids on Lots 1- 13 in North Park Addn, to Kent , in Block 5. the lots to be sold to the highest bidder, or rejected. Bids were opened for material for the L. I.D. # 228 a sewer p prodject in North Park. One bid was received and that was for one Pneumatic Sewage Ejector for pumping station at a cost of $2, 808.00, and delivery date set for 36 weeks, no bids were re- ceived for clay pipe or concrete. , no action taken on bid of ejector pump. Mr. Jacquemin reported that he was taken in the City Limits with the E.E.I•Iiller annexation without notice of the hearing. , and would like for the Council to take action to be excluded. Motion was passed to have the City Attorney look into the transaction and see if it was tranacted right. I-lotion was passed for the Clerk to write a letter to the N.P. Railway Co in regard to the poor condition of the crossing at James Street , and also request them to clean out their ditch along First Ave . North of ;dinner Street . P-Ieeting was recessed to discuse the engineering question of the City. All claims were allowed except the Engineersr it to be held over til 1 nAxt, moot. na, CT.AII1 PRLS1?NTLD AND ALLO',IED AS FOLLO`JS; ---continued- 1` u a --continued-- Payroll Month of July $3424. 55 Grover Nelson Motor Repair Police Car 23 . 28 Radio Center Repair Police Radio 2. 51 Kent News Journal Printing 8.24 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phones 1.17 Donald A. Bell Blanket Ins. 895.19 Ben Franklin Store Police Supplies 1. 24 John Turcott Dog Catcher 4.00 Valley Cafe Jail Meals 11. 62 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for Bids 9.25 Donald Close Co Part of St. Contract 976.00 Christina F. Sipe Typing Jury List 18.00 United Janitor Sup Co Supplies 3 .61 Gonnason' s Repair Police Car 24.93 Kent News Journal. Publishing 204.92 Rensselaer Valve Uo hydrant Parts 15.30 H.D.Fowler Co Contract on Pipe 2027. 51 P. S.P.B:.L. CO Lights 25.36 Addressograph Sales Agency Repair 13 .43 Davidson Auto Parts Repair Parts 3.48 The J.K.Gill Co Books 41. 59 The H.W.Wilson Co Supplies 2. 50 The College Bindery Repair Books 14.16 John Hauge Contract 762.85 John Turcott Dog Catcher 7.00 Meeting Adjourned Chas. Bridges City Clerk. . i