HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1947 Ila Kent, Washington, June , 16 , 1947. Regular meeting of the 'City Council, present , Mayor Mooney Councilmen, Seeman, Sells,Thornton, "North. Minutes of June 2, read and approved; Report of Officers read and filed, Clerk' s Treasurers , and Budget; Health and Sanitation committee recommended that all bids be rejected on the sewer prodjeets in North Park, owing to the fact that they were to high , Motion was passed to confirm the recommend- ation. Health & Sanitation committee are going to study laying of sewer pipe by other means than bids. Councilman Seeman reported that the police committee looked over the jailand found that it had no bunk for wemen,and no toilet for the men,and was in a very dirty condition, and recommended that a toilet be installed, by motion the police committee was given permission to install a toilet for the went A request from the Blue Banner Foods Co to have the City reroof the loading platform on the City Building , at a cost of 4132.00 was granted by motion to give the building committee power to act in regard to the repair. Petition was received and read in regard to the discharge of the present Civil Service Commission asking to take it out of politics and that members of the -Council could not function properly on both the Commission and the Council.It was left to the City Attorney for legal advice in regard to such action that might be taken. Mayor Mooney ask for the appointment of a Mayor Pro Tem,by motion it was set over till the next meeting until the whole council could vote on the matter. Bids were opened and read from four bidders on the New Fire Station and remodling of the City H.all,motion passed to place it in the hands of the building committee for study. Leter .read from the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Co in regard to the cost of a spur track into the old State Cannery bldgi stating that a cost estimate will be presented soon. Engineer reported on the driveway that Mr. Thatcher request of the Council, to be conttructed at his expense along Scenic 178y,that there would be no risk to the City or adjoining property. Mr. Mortenson was. present and protested against any action that the Council might grant in favor of the rightaway.Motion by councilman Seeman passed the unanimous vote of the council present to confirm the request granted by the old council to Mr. Thatcher to proceed with the driveway. Mr. Thatcher stated that before work commenced that Mr. Mortenson and his attorneys would be in- formed ,and plans would be submitted of the peoposed work. Motion was passed to have the police car go, through the State Testing Station and have the speedometer checked. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Trick & Murray Office Supplies 4.03 Puget Sound Btlap Works Office Supplies 13.75 Margaret Young Typing Annual Report 5.00 Kent News Journal Publishing 7.28 Grover Nelson Motor Co Repair Police Car 7.88 United Janitor Sup. Co Janitor Supplies 47.64 j Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phone Service 20 .28 Potlatch Yards Inc. Jail Expense 6.34 Valley Cafe Jail Meals 5.25 24 Valley Hardware Co Supplies 04 22. 60 Sctlbnner Service Gas & Oil 1 12..6767 Bush Hardware Supplies 12 Marekmann & Williams Supplies 145.93 Marckmann & Williams Water Pipe Contract 2814.48 Federal Pipe & Tank Co Supplies 57.15 Stateside Construction Co Final On Contract 349.68 Rasmussen Motor Co Repairs 3.35 Western Tractor Co Grader Repairs 22.00 King Co . Rd . Dist. # 2 Gravel & Blacktop 45.00 Pozzi Bros Freight 1 .03 Auburn Concrete Prod. Co Drain Tile 14.94 Lumber Stores Material 4.74 ''aylord Bros Supplies 4.95 J .K.Gil o Books 104.11 MEETING AD 0 D t I ' ,;�' Lridgesas . ' city clerk.