HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/07/1947 Kent Washington, July 7, 1947. Regular meeting of the City Council , present Yayor Mooney, Councilmen, Farman, Morrill ,Seemen,Sells, Thornton, ,forth. Minutes read and approved of June , 16 ,1947; Report of Officers read and filed. ; Police report, Fire Report. Councilman Sells reported on the starting of the light project. Councilman Farman reported on the L.M.D. sever prodject in North Park, stating that the bids were to high that the sewer committee with the help of the engineer, were working out plans to go ahead on the job by day labor, and thought that they could bring the cost down to the engineer' s first estimate , the cost to be about 75.00 per fourty foot lot. 4 Farman made a motion and was duly passed by the unanimous vote of the Council , to have the finance committee investigate the sale of bonds on a day labor basis,and the procurring of materials for the job,and to check on the price of a ditch digger through the Tzfar Assets Adm. Farman reported on an extension of a sewer between First & Second Ave . south of Crow Street, that the property owners were ready to dig their own sewer, and pay for same , except two lots , and for the City to advance the money on them until such time the owners were ready to connect and use the sewer. Motion was passed for the sewer to be laid under the conditions of the request, and for the Engineer to furnish the City Attorney the legal discriptions for easments through the various peices of property, and for the City Clerk to accept checks to be held in escrow to the estimated amounts , for each person, furnished by the Engineer. Councilman Thornton reported on the street condition in North Park stating the gravel will be furnished where needed , . Motion was passed to reject all bids on the City Hall and Fire S Station,and was placed in the building committees hands for further study, inregard to proceeding with same. Legal opinion read from the City Attorney in regard to the petition asking for the dismissal of the Civil Service Commission, letter on file and a part of the minutes of this meeting.Couneil- man Seeman did not want to accept the opinion of the local City Attorney, and caused quite a commotion in the council. , Seeman stated that the opinion should have came from the Attorney General that we have had to many local opinions on this matter. Letter read from the Dance Chairman of the Cornucopia Festival - requesting of the ,Council permission to hold two street dances on the 25th.and 26 of July, at Railroad Ave . between Meeker St. & Gowe and the use of the strings of lights and the piano , by Motion the request was granted. Request from Mr. Reroe of East Titus St, to have Kennebeck Ave. widened at Smith St. Motion was passed to havt the street committee investigate the situation and report back at the next meeting. Request letter read from Mr. Ralph Holland asking the Council to sanction and approve him building a midget race track,and swimming pool and etc. for recreational purposes at the old Baldwin place on James Street. Motion was passed to hold a hesking and give public a change *to express their views on the request. , at the next re- gular meeting of the Council. Mayon Mooney ask for the nomination of a lvlayor Pro Tem, Councilor man Worth nominated Chas . Sells ,and nominations were closed.Chas. Sells elected Mayor Pro Tem. Motion was passed to adopt resolution # 281 granting the P.S.P.& Light Cotpany a five year contract for street lighting purposes , and for the Mayor and Clerk to Sign same . Question was raised as to the width of Hazel Ave.South of Temp- erance Street to Smith Street, by the property owners abutting same. Motion was passed for the street committee to have the engineer establish lines as to the street boundry, . CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payroll for June $3418.35 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Phone Service 37.28 Huletz Ihc. Check Spgedometter 2.27 ------ continued----- lid --- continued-- Hazen Printing Co Police Printing 7 .93 State Law Librarian 47 Session Laws 4.00 Repair on Building 84.98 C.J.Sundlie Kent News Journal Printing 11.54 Office Expense 28.13 Trick & Murray Fred Nleadowcroft Ins. on Cannery Bldg . 401.10 Repair Poof 135.90 The Roofing Co Bond Prem 5.00 H.B.Madison 2.00 Maragaret Young Repair Typing 7.76 NM.Ramsteed Elect Co Repair Fire Truck 8.34 Strains Auto Co Dog Catcher 4.00 John Turcott Oil 37.87 Sipes Transfer Gas & Oil 125.14 Shrem & Johnson Lights 296.56 P.S.P.&.L.CO Engineering 88.89 E.G.Forbes Supplies 4.91 Valley Hardware I.I.&.M.A. 53.14 Labor & Industries Sup. & Repair 77.82 Valley Garage Supplies 27.14 Marckman & ?lilliams Bluestone 118.66 Pacific N_arine Supply Co Used Meter 8.00 Joe Dupes Filing Saws 1 .50 Hugo Mayer Excise Tax 166.74 State Tax Commission Rensselaer Valve Co Valves on Contract 476.22 Supplies 92.19 Auburn Concrete Prod. Co oiling Stree is 322.57 City Transfer Supplies 20 .50 Farman Hardware 765.45 John Hauge Garbage Contract Meeting Adjourned; i Chas. Bridges City Clerk. i I