HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/19/1947 Kent , Washington May 19 , 1947. Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor Dunbar, Counci7.men, Edline tMorrill, Sells , Shoff, Thompson, 'forth. Minutes of May 5th. read and approved; Report of Officers read and filed; Clerk' s Treasurer's Budget ,and Park Board. Councilman Thompson reported that the police car needed new tires and a motion was passed for the police committee to get prices and purchase same. Water committee reported that a Mr. Norwood on east hill would like to connect , to the City Water , for a 4" inch connection,and to runn a two inch pipe under the highway, .by motion and passed the perrmmisson was granted. Request fora street light across the the Old State Cannery build - ing ,for the residents that live near there.Motion was passed to have the light committee take action on the placement of the light or lights that are needed. Councilman Thompson reported on the Rainier Pickle factory drain that was running in the street and said the owner would discontinue this prectice ,and run it into the sewer. Mr. Morrison and a group of people from the district of the Pickle Factory said that the practice of drskkiLggthe brine from the vats into the street was still being continued and the Council would h have to take more strict action against the Company. Motion was passed to instruct the ,attorney to writ a letter to Mr. Eba the manager 6f the Rainier Foods in regards to the drain- ing of pickle brine in the street . Letter read from Mrs. Eugene Coble of 315 First Ave . So .praising the Collector of Garbage on such a fine job he was doing on his garbage route. Letter read from State Senator John T. McCutcheon asking the Council if they had any legislative problems , he would be glad to thke them up at the next session of the legislature. Letter read from the firm of Croson, Johnson & Wheelon, attorneys for' Mr. Mortenson of 424 Scenic 'Nay, they request the City to keep them informed in regard to the improvement of Scenic Vlay, that the Council gave permission to Mr. Thatcher and others to provide a driveway into their property by using a part of the street right- away, across the east side of Mr. NMortensons property] not using any of Mr. Mortensons property. Mr. Mortenson was present and stated that he was not in favor of the councils action on giving permission to any person to improve a drive way, scross his property. Motion was 'pesaW to the attorneys of Mr. Mortensen to instruct the Clerk to* write a letter in regard to the improvement and that permission' has already been granted for same . Ordinance #' 781 by motion of the unanimous vote of the council present passed for the annexing of certain lands , north of the north city limits . Emergency Ordinance for Current Expense fund passed on its first passage by the unanimous vote of the council ,making an appropriation of 07500 .00 for the purchase of a building on City owned property. Motion passed to have the' City pay 1/3 and intersections ,towards oiling streets and the property owners pay 2/3' s ,and for the clerk to collect all money before oiling is done. Lease between the City and Mr. V.T.Filkins, W.F.Bowman and G.W.Hurlbut, for the leasing of the cannery building purchased from the State ,was explained to the council by the city attorney. Bids were opened and read on the improvement of the street light system,and bids were opened and read on the building of a new fire station and remodling of the present city hall.Motion was passed for the respective committees to give the bids received their consideration and study,end submit their findings at an adjourned meeting. Motion was passed for an adjourned meeting to be held Wed. 8; o 'clock P.M. May 21, for the leting or rejecting of the bids received and read , Street Light System, City Hall alteration and new fire setation,and tie approval of the lease of the cannery building. continued over. continued CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS P.S.P.&.L.CO Lights $270 .40 Daily Journal of Commerce Bids 23.50 Grungsted Cafe Jail Meals 4.16 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 17 .72 Fred Meadowcroft Typing 9 .00 Radio Center Radio Repair 1.55 Kent News Journal Publishing 3.36 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meter 1lepairs & Meters 455.37 Mac Boyker Supplies 12.26 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 625.31 Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 62. 73 Pacific Water Works Supplies 499 .16 Rensselaer Valve Co Contract Supplies 1616.48 Clarks 'Melding Shop Repair 32.45 Margaret Young Typing 6.00 Addressograph Agency Repair 36 .26 Nelson Equipment Co Mower Parts 26.85 i King County Rd. Dist 2 Gravel & Blacktop 42.00 Elmer B. Mitchell Repair Park Benches 55 .10 Geo. R.Summirill Labor `'eater 59.50 Meeting adjourned until 8 oclock Yay 21, 1947. / Chas . Bridges City Clerk. Kent , Washington Ivlay,2l', 1947. I Adjourned meeting of the City Council , present Mayor prb. tem. � C.B.Sells, Councilmen, Edline , Farman, Morrill, Shoff, Thompson, Worth. Motion was passed by the unanimous vote of the council to re- ject all bids read for the remodling of the city hall ,and build- ing of the fire station. Motion was passed to call for new bids for the remodling of the city hall and building of the fire station to be opened oh the 16th. day of June. Bids on the remodling of the street light system,were received from,Doneld W.Close Co. Seattle ,$ 9325.00 ,Adams Electric Co Auburn for $9879.00 , Wm. Ramstead Electric Co Kent ,$10 ,697.00 ,end an alternate for $10 ,197.00 , C.B.CamDbell Co Seattle ,$10 ,500000 alternate $9 ,000.00 .Lindberg Electric Co. $ 10 ,661.44.Motion was passed_ for the leting of bid to Donald 'l1.Close of Seettle ,for the Amount of $9325.00. Motion was passed by the unanimous vote of the council,for the Mayor and Clerkq to sign ar lease between the City of Kent and, V..T.Filkins,W.F.Bowmin , C.W.Hurlbut ,for the cannery building in which the city purchased from the State. Meeting adjourned; Chas . Bridges City Clerk.