HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1947 1U4
Kent Washington, March 17 ,1947.
Regular meeting of the City Council , present , Mayor Dunbar,
Councilmenn, 'Edline ,Farmen, Morrill, Sells , Shoff, Thompson,`.Yorth.
Minutes of March , 3, read and approved ;
Report * of Officers read and filed, Clerk's Treasurers , and Budget.
Letter from the State Highway Dept. stating that the ditch was cleaned
.out ,at the Council' s request ,and if any future need is required in
regard to drainage along the Highways please let them know.
Motion was passed by recommendation of the water committee to
grant the bids on the water pipe and fittings to the several firms ,
Msrckmann & Williams , pipe and fittings $10 ,978.96. H.D.Fowler Co
for pipe , $9472.99. Hugh G.Purcell Co , for fittings $ 733.90 ,
Pacific 'Hater Works, for pipe $ 294.00. E.N.Hallgren Co for Valves
and Hydrants, $ 3628.95.
Motion was passed to instruct the Mayor and Clerk to make an offer
to the State of $ 5000,00 for the cannery building that is on City
property, that they have been operating for the community ,and are
discontinuing the use of same .
Motion was passed . to give perrmission to the residence of 513 So.
3rd , Ave . to use a trailer house on the lot for 30 days.
Motion was passed to purchase one Iowa Hydrant and have it ins-
stalled at 2nd. and Gowe St.
Petition was read from eleven property owners just North of the
North Boundry of the City Limits ,opposit North Park for annexation
to the City.Motion was passed for the City Attorney to give legal
discription and owners ,end for engineer to make plat for acceptance.
Motion was granted for Mr. U.J.Dolan to lay new walk along his
property at 425 West Willis ,with inspection by City Engineer.
Motion was passed to give the Street Committee power to "act on
the request of Holland Auto Rebuild, to knock out curb for better
approch to his building.
Motion was passed to have signs plane at the entrahce to the dump
notifing people to dump no garbage on road and in the woods.
Motion was passed to have the dump supeevisor keep the dump open
on Sundays during the summer months for people living out side the
Mr. Rod recommended to the Council to have main line check meters
placed at the tworeservoirs .
The architects submitted the preliminary plans for the Fire Station
and remod&& plans for the City Hall . Motion was passed to except the
planns ,and for the Architects to proceed with the final plans.
Building committee were instructed to contact the County Commiss-
oners in regard to leasing the old County Sheds for use of the
later and Street Dept. ,for equipment and supplies .
P.S.P.&.L.'CO Street Lights 236.
Kent News ^ Journal Printing 36.00
Grover Nelson Motor Co Car Expense 6.29
Hazen Printing Co Printing 6.61 .
Rim. Ramsteed Elect Co Repair 3.60
Mine Safty Appliance Co Fire Equipment 76.96
M.O.Nelson P.M. Stamps 35.06
Kent Motors Repair Truck 4.17
Sipes Transfer Stove Oil 8.66
Auburn Concrete Prod. Co Drain Tile 18.08 .
King County Rd. Dist # 2 Material 227.00
Rasmussen Garage Tires & Tubes 196.15
Geo. H.Nelson Culvert Contract 968.54
J.K.Gill Co Books 54.57
The McMillan Co Expense 2.07
Robert Hagan Park Work 218.00
John Turcott Dog Catcher 16.00
Chas . Bridges
City Clerk:`