HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1946 e� Kent 17,qshill�r toil, tlu ;'lst � , 1946 . t,llc GI l;y (;OItlic. i 1. , l i ��. �?n t, k, flyo I' Im[11)111 ,(4)u11c l I mcn, 1iIdline , Ii'ariiinn ,�'io.r. ri I I_ )e l I.s , I'll onip:o11 , ';ortl( . Id;inutes of July 15 ,read and approved . Report of Officers read and filed ; Police report. Petition received from property o,:iners on East . Smith �73treet be- tween R.R.Ave . and north Central for permission to blecktop the parking strip on the JIorih side ,and .re(Iuesting the engineer to give an estimate .k;otion was passed to have the eiv ineer give an estimate on the blacktop job . lLjotion was passed to have the water mrain renewed on the north side of bast Smith Street before the blacktop Pas Put in place . yotion was passed to e-;ive Time Oil Co at .youth State and ;', orton St . permission to blacktop the parkirif; strip in front of their place of buisness ,uader the supervision of the ems ineer- Petition received from resideno � of ]orth Park ,requesting the council to take action against " :i ,s !lell. - unsay in r to al.lova- ing her dogs to become a public nuisance ,P,lotion wns passed to referr this petition to the City Attorney for action. Petition received from E.E.Miller & ':ierie L.I,Jiller to take in certain land into the City Limits ,'`.".otion passed for he-iring to be set at 8' oclock ManddyyAugust 19 , 1946 at the City lull. ILiotion was passed for the engineer and street cohgmittee to see Mrs . Thodny in regard to usin the dirt 9cross oil the East ",ide of Alvord St. to fill in her lot. 1��otion was passed for the Police conimi_ttee arrange for a dog catcher ,and provide pay for same . I�:r . Miller of a parking meter 6ompany explained to the Council all about parking meters ,and terms of payment. Comrriunication from the City Engineer in regard to the increase of pay that the Association of Engineers adopted was read and filed. Resolutions 273 passed the unanimous vote of the Council present to create a sewer district in North Park Add . to I�ent ,Resolution 273 being a part of these minutes . Councilman Morrill brought to the attention of the Council the , Poor condition the bridge is in that crosses over mill creek on James Street,and recommended that it be repaired or a new one be constructed out of concrete.Motion was passed for the engineer to make an estimate of the cost of a concrete culvert ,on James St. The engineer submitted two plats to the council for acceptance Miller ' s Northern Add. to Kent, and a replat of the Sunneyside Add. Motion was passed to have a hearing at 81oclock August 19 ,1946 at the Council Chambers in the City Hall. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; $3309.30 Payroll for July ' 365 Earl Forbes Engineering 35 7. Hazen Printing Co Supplies .26 62 Northern School Sup. Co Flag 4. Kent News Journal Police Expense 5 .15 Seattle Title Co North lark Easment 42 .00 Peter Madsen Bond Prem. 20 .00 Kent News Journal Ordinance 8.85 John Hauge Street Sweepings 22.50 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 4 . 75 Pacific Tel .& Tel. Co Phones 19: 95 Platinum Kennels Dog Board 8.50 Fox' s Cash Grocery Supplies 1 .00 Clakk' s Welding Shop 'Velding 18.01 Farman Hardware Supplies 14.37 Kent hilotors Gels & Oil. 125 .66 State Treasurer Ins . & Itled. Aid 21.25 P.S.P.&.L.CO Lights 295 .74 Mons Rod Supplies 1 .28 Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 31 . 72 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 661 .48 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meters 292 .19 Atlas Mineral Prod . Co- Supplies 22.15 Homlite Corp. Co Light Gen. 254.41 Auburn Concrete Prod . Co Meter Boxes 49.03 Federal Pipe F-, mank Co -up-li"s 6 .59 Hersey Mfg. Co M6flireParts 6.11 Pioneer Inc. Office `pup. 23.30 ***** continued.***** b wra **** continued ***** Rasmussen Mach . Shop Repair Grader $9 .02 Western Tractor Co Grader . 5514.26 Bush Hardware Park Sup. 1.86 Hougardy Shop Sharpen Mower 1.75 John Houge Garbage Contract 734.75 Sipes Transfer Oil 24.60 Potlatch Yards Inc. Lumber 50.88 i Meeting Adjourned- �L C' Chas . Bridges City Clerk. 1