HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1946 Kent Washington May 6 ,1946. Regular meeting of the City Council ,present Mayor Dunbar,Council- men,Edline ,Sells ,Shoff,Thompson,Worth. Minutes read and approved of April 15 ,1946 . Report of Officers read and filed: Police report. Letter was read from the three appraisers that the finance comm- ittee obtained to appraise the site for the sewage disposal plant on the Crawford farm Nest of the City. It was their unanfteus opinion that the three acres would be worth $600.00 per acre ,end finance committee recommended to the council that the three acres be purchased. I Motion was passed by the unanimous vote of the council present, for the clerk to write a letter to Mrs . Crawford the owner of the the three ecres,and make her the offer of $600.00 per acre. Yotion was passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter of appreciation to the three appraisers of the land on the sewage plant. Resolution # 268 adopted by the council to transfer $4717.20 from the Garbage fund to the Current Expense fund,that was used to pay the g rbege collector until at such time the Garbage fund had suffi6ent funds therein. Petition was read from forty six property owners of North Park Adddtion requesting the City Council to start work on the proposed sewage system at a cost to the property owners of about $1.75 per front foot as the engineers estimate calls for.Motion was pass- ed by the unanimous vote of the council present,to accept the Petition,and for the property owners to place the money in escrow with the City Clerk. ,when the required amount is placeed therein the bids will be called for and work will commence ,if the contract is within the reach of the money at hand. Motion was passed for an estimate of the cost of removing the water mains from the alleys ,to the various streets in North Park to make way for- the sewer lines.It was recommended that the main be of 6" size and start from First and Shinn St. Mr. Geo.Feroe was present at the meeting and requested the council to give him perrmission to connect to the sewer at Kennebeck and Smith Stand to have the City Engineer give him the grade and in- spection on the laying of the sewer. Motion was passed to permit Mr. Feroe to connect to the sewer and all costs of engineering and inspection. to . be charged to him, . Councilman Sells recommended the purchase of the grader bid on by the Western Tractor & Equipment Co of Seettle , .Stating that it was the most fitted for our work.Motion Wes passed for the awarding of the bid on the grader to the Western Tractor & Equipment Co of Seattle ,for the amount of $5617.20 . Councilman Shoff recommended to the council that the 1.00 and 1 . 25 min. on water rates in the city be eliminated,and make them all 1.50 cents, .Also requested that Pete Beffero be given permmison to move his garage over on the City property et Guiberson St.and Kennebeck Ave.Motion was granted to Mr. Beffaro to move his garage on the City lot for a period not to exceed six months. Ruben Feroe requested of the Council for permmisson to extend a water line 7/10 of a mile north of the Blick Diamond road for water services. Motion was passed for the City Attorney to draw up an emergency ordinance for the unforeseen expenditures of street work and equipment. Motion was passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to the Northern Pacific Railway Co in regard to the rough crossing at Meeker Street. Motion was passed to have the City Attorney draw up a resolution for the Treasurer to redeem War Bonds to make available money for improvements in the funds. Bids were opened and read for the improvement of the park,the lowest bidder Mr. Bob Hagen received the bid for 41750 .00 by motion of the. council. Motion was passed for the city to stand j of the cost of oiling the streets ,if property owners so requested ,and intersections. , and for the city clerk to collect all money before oiling starts. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; ** continued** Salaries For April $3369.52 John Hauge Garbage Contract 704.40 Sipes Transfer Fuel 123.42 Pacific Tel. 4 Tel . Co Phones 23.20 C.A.Waldrop Special Polcd 63.00 Peter Madsen Bond Prem. 20.00 Grungstad Cafe Jail Meals 7.94 American Fire Equip Co Equipment & Repair 31 .36 Trick & Murray Dog Tags 10.51 Lillian Bacon Typing 5 .00 Emmerson Thatcher Filing Fee .75 Independent Sheet Metal Repair Roof 49.44 Radio Center Repair Police Radio 9.27 Hazen Printing Co Office Supplies 9.99 Robert Dwane Repair City Roofs 301.38 P.S.P.&.L.CO Lights 310.94 Rasmussen Mach. Shop Repair 16.62 Concrete Products Co Supplies 77.64 Standard Oil Co Gas & Oil 98.22 State Treasurer Ins. & Med. Aid 21 .51 Farman Hardware Lock Repair 31.10 Central Service Gas & Oil 152.53 .E.G.Forbes Engineering 98.98 Valley Hardware Co Supplies 4.27 Addressograph Agency Supplies 2.66 Rockwell Mfg. Co Meters 377.42 Marckmann & Williams Tools & Supplies 145.62 Tax Commission Excise Tax 147.24 J.K.Gill Co Books 29.95 H.W.Wilson Co Expense 16.20 Gaylord Bros Inc. Supplies 3.85 Kent News Journal Call for Bids 2.58 Potlatch Yards Inc. Materikk 68.12 Meeting Adjourned Chas. Bridges City Clerk. i