HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/15/1946 R� Kent Washington April 15 ,1946. Regular meeting of the City Council present, Mayor Dunbar, Councilmen,Edline ,Farman,Morrill ,Sells ,Thompson,Worth. Minutes of April 1 ,46 ,read and approved ; Reports of Officers read and filed ,Clerk' s Treasurers ,Budget and Fire report. Report of the City Engineer and chairman of the Health & Sewage Dept .on the estimate of cost of sewers for the N.P. Add. Letter received from the engineer recommending that Logozo , and Co be paid their final balance on the South Central storm sewer contract.Motion passed to pay the contractors the balance due them on the Storm sewer contract. Letter received from Mr. Forbes City engineer, stating that he has bought his partner Mr . Brett from his buisness ,and that it is no longer Forbes & Brett.The Mayor made the appointment of Mr. E.G.Forbes as City Engineer. Plans submited from the park board ,for the improvment of the city park between Meeker ST.and Gowe St .were read and approved as to payment , .end a motion for the clerk to call for bids was passed by the unamious vote of the council present . Bids were openned for the resurfacing of meeker St.One bid received from the Northwest Precote Co . Inc. for the amount of $7 ,820.00 ,that amount being under the engineers estimate , Motion was passed to grant the contract to the Northwest Precote Inc . of Seattle , plash. for $7,820.00 . Bids were openned for the letting of a street grader contract for purchase.The various bids were placed in the hands of the street committee for investigation. Sells reported on the need of the various roofs of city buildings needing repairs ,that some were leaking.NIotion was pass- ed for the building committee to have power to act in the re- pair of the roofs ,with the approval of the engineer in regard to the type of job required. Motion for City' Treesurerr to sign a chock. B.I.&.R:FtY.for the purchase of Lots 6 , 7,8, Block 17 W.C .I .Co' s First Add. to Kent from the County Treasurer,to redeem our old assessments and place them back on the tax rolls. amount ,$ 156.16 . Motion passed to accept the recommendations of the Fire Chief to have a body constructed on the Dodge chassis ,to purchase 300 ft. of fire hose ,and turn over to the water Dept .fire hose that is not up to standard for firefighting purposes ,and purch ase half the amount for replacement. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLL0,VS; Farman Hardware Supplies $15 .26 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 2.28 Sipes Transfer Fuel Oil 42 .68 McKenny Elect Co Police repairs 12 .81 Lillian H.Bacon Typing 10.00 King Co. Rd. Dist # 2 Gravel & Blacktop 165.00 Eugene VanBergh Office Work for Cavanaugh 51.25 Mac Boyker Supplies 1 .73 Marekmann & Williams Supplies 11.00 Kent Motors Repair Car 67 .57 Gonnesons Repair Truck 86.08 Concrete Products Co Supplies 79.57 Thornburn & Lozogo Contract Final 49.56 Daily Journal of Comm. Call for Bids 7 .50 MEETING ADJOURNED: —r Chas. Bridges City Clerk.