HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/07/1944 466 Kent,Washington August 7,1944. Regular meeting of the City Council present,Mayor Dunbar,council- men,Fermen,Miller,Morrill,Sells Shoff,Thompson. Minutes of July,3rd.read and approved; No regular meeting July,17th. one councilman present. Clerk's Treasurer' s and Police ,and Budget read and filed ; "Reports" Councilman Miller reported on a blanket policy,to cover all the liabilities ' in one policy that would cost the City around $500.00 per year. The street committee is to further investigate the condition of the side walks in the City,kn regard to having them repaired. Motion was made and passed to supply Tacoma Ave . with some gravel at the request of Mr. MacDonald. A blind street sign was recommended by the City Council to be placed at 5th. and Crow St. ,at the request of Mrs.LaMont. Ordinance # 743 was placed on its final passage by the unanimous vote of the City Council present,approving the plat of Feroe 's First Addition to Kent , . Ordinance # 744 was placed on its final passage by the unanimous vote of the Council present,for the vacation of."s portion of east Morton Street which lies between Blocks 8 and 9 of the plat of Kent,. It was the aonsentient of the Council that the State Aid Fdnd be continued by the legislature ,for post war projects. Motin was made and passed for the Mayor and Clerk to sign the deed to release that portion of the park grounds,north of the Oliver spurn track that the City has not been using. ,to the Northern Pacific Railway Company per their request. A claim of Mae Buck of Seattle ,Washington,that fell on our City side-walk,in front of Dave' s Tavern on North Centrel,for the amount of $6,000,00 was placed in the hands of the finance committee for investigation. i CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOTTED AS FOLLOWS: Salaries July 02432.58 - Fire Dept. Services 153.00 City Treasurer Freight 1.05 H.B.Madison Bond Prem. 5.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Phones 12.45 Federal Laboratories Police Sup. 31.00 Coast Construction Co Sewer Manhole 70.00 R.E.Greham Express 2.97 Shoff's Sport Shop Police Sup. +82 Potlatch Bards Inc. Supplies 9.06 Concrete Construction Co Labor on Dump 36.00 O.G.Caveneugh Repair Fire Truuks 5.71 C.A.Weldrop Special Police 21.00 Hazen Printing Co Supplies 5.25 Gonneson's Repair 8.25 Valley Hardware Co Tools 5.19 Farman Hardware Co Supplies 6.64 Palmer Supply Co Supplies 31.83 Triok & Murray Office Supplies 6.43 Marckmenn & Williams Supplies 24.51 Kent News-Journal Printing & Postage 191.69 Valley Garage Gas Oil & Repair 133.86 P.S.P.&.L.Co Lights 299.56 J.G.Watson Repair 59,28 54.10 Gas & Oil Union Oil Co Bush Hardware Co Supplies 16.57 J.K.Gill Co Books 62.91 Mao Boyker & Son Park Repairs .46 Joe Hougardy Sharpen Mower 1.80 Kent Milling Co Park Material 3.36 Lumber Stores 'Inc. Material for Mower .74 Farman Hardware Co Street Supplies 4.99 King Co Rd. -Dist # 2 Black Top 2.75 Polson Implement Co Mower Parts .58 City Transfer Oilling Stree 200.20 State Treasurer Ins & Med. d 18.25 MEETING ADJOURNED; City Clerk.