HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/03/1944 Kent Washington July 3rd.1944. Regular meeting of the City Council present ,Mayor Dunbar, Councilmen,Miller,Sells,Thompson,Worth. Police report read and filed ; Minutes of June 19th. read and approved; po J.i c q- Motion was made and passed for the s-tr_e•e-t committee to see the person in charge of the imported labor,in the City and see if they could place a curfew on them at 10 O ' clock P.M. this being recommended by the Chief of Police. Motion was made and passed to instruct the City Clerk to write a letter to the Manager of the 8 & P Store ,in regard to having so much litter in the alley back of their store . Motion was made and passed to have the finance committee invest- igate a blankeinsurence policy to cover all liabilites that may accur in the City. Resolution # 251 passing the unanimous vote of the council present to accept a described plat of land in the City of Kent , .and the City Clerk directed to post notices of said hearing in accordance with the law. Resolution #. 251 passing the unanimous vote of the Council present for the vacation of the porton of East Motton St.lying between B.8 and 9 of the plat of Kent ,as it appears of record in Book of Plates No. 2 at page 165 thereofsof the public records of King County. Resolution # 253 passing the unanimous vote of the Council present to remove the cloud on the property of Adolph Niebling,at the North 25 ft.of Lbt::4 B;oek 3,Yesler's First Add. to Kent ,this resolution is included in the minutes of this meeting and is attach- ed mere to, j te of the Council present Ordinance # 742 passed by the unemious vo accepting a deed of dedication of lands included in that portion of Titus Street East ,which lies to the east of Kennebeck Ave.South, in said City of Kent. Motion was made and passed,for the Street committee to employe some person to check all .the side-walks as being defective ,and report. same to the City Clerk,and have notices mailed to the property owners in regard to having them repaired. The-finance committee and the City Attorney recommended that the claim for -damage,& of Margret Spillman be paid to the extent of $230.00 .7 CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS : $2101.66 Salaries for June 153.00 Fire Dept. Services Sate Treasurer Ins. Med.Aid. 16.76 Special Police 3 men 264.00 Hazen Printing Co Office Supplies 7.98 C.A.Weldrop Special Police 7.00 "'' P.S.P.&.L.Co Lights 288.34 Trick & Murray Registration Supplies 87.00 Joe Hougardy Sharpen Park Mower 1.80 Best Look Co Lock & Repair 4.33 Polsom Implement Co Mower Parts 3.53 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Phone Bills 13.80 Tax Commission Excise Tax 144.65 Platinum Kennels Dog Board 19.00 J.A.Fallgreen Engineering 22.50 David A.Botting Surveying 10 .00 Margret Spillman Damages 230.00 Motion for adjournment Chas. dges City Cl