HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/06/1944 Kent Washington,June 511944. Regular meeting of the City Council ,present Mayor Dunber,Council- men,Ferman,Sells,Shoff,Thompson. Minutes of May 15th. read and approved ; Police report read and filed; Communications read from,State of Washington Department of Public Works ,in regard. to the speed of trains passing thribugh Cities and _ Towns ,es set at 40 miles per hour. Councilman Thompson report the progress of the engineer mapping out the location of the purpposed comfort Station.also reported on the over flowing of the Guiberson sceptic tank ,and stated that nothing had been done in regard to having it fixed.Councilman Farman made a motion and passed to piece the question in the hands of the City Attorney for action. Motion was made and passed for the clerk to drop Mr. R.H. Ludvicksen a letter in regard to having the water Depte install a standpipe for fire protection at his place in the eountry,for he to pay all the costs of labor and materiel. Request by Mr. Al. Johnson to make one hour parking on north Central between Smith St. & Meeker St..recommended that the rest of the property owners in that section petition the Council to have the one hour parking signs installed. .j Motion was made and passed the final reading of the Ordinance# 740 to the overi head rconnection nbetween dtheir s Inc. to u buildings se and mat and 6th. and Shinn St. for ten years. Motion was made and passed by the unanimous vote of the Council present to adopt Resolution #250,to cell a special election to vote 15 mills for the purchase of property,and equipment ,and maintenance for one year special election to b includeed d August in the 1944.Copy of resolution � 250 attach , d minutes of this meeting. Councilman Thompson reported that the trunk sewer beyond the sceptic tenk,was in very bforctheisewagencommittee�tor see that red ait this time.Motion was was taken care of,and placed in good condition. Mayor Dunbar made a fine report on the convention of the Washington Cities held at Centriiia , . he Mr. Faroe request he lasthsurveycof�Titusto kSthethetymostolikilyfMr. would try to find Trelsted had in his pessesion. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: $2150.90 month of Salaries Salaries 153.00 Fire Dept. 22.30 Grant Dunbar Convention Exp. 102.00 S.L.White Special Police „ „ 28.00 C.A.Weldrop „ „ 84.00 Dave Mooney n „ 6600 Judd Greene 11.23 Telephone Co Phone Bills 10.24 Kent News-Journal Printing 120.22 W.S.Darley & Co Pump Parts F.D. Kent News-Journal Printing 5.00Fuel 20 .04 Sipe's Transfer Insp. & Eng. 34.50 J.A.Fellgreen Office Supplies 34.47 Trick & Murray Gas. & Oil 81.97 Ed. Nephew Lights .601.09 P.S.P.&,Light Co 26.52 Gonneson' s repair A. 19.32 State Treasurer I.I. 51.50 Pacific Marine Sup Cp. Bluestone 22.70 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 74.68 Federal Pipe &.Tank-Co -- -- Supplies 1.89 Beast Universal Lock Co Parts for repair 2.94 Bush Hardware Co Supplies & Repair Library Contents Ins. 13.32 Holland Ins. Co 8.65 Chas J.K.Gill Co Books B idges /City Clerk. Meeting adjourned. � �v