HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/21/1944 d Kent Washington Febu8ry,21,44. Regular meeting of the City Council present,Mayor Dunbar, Councilmen,Morrill,Sells,Shoff,Thompson,Worth. Minutes of Febuery 7th.read and approved : Clerk's Report,Treasurer's Report,Budget Report,and Library Report,reed and filed: Communications read from the N.P.Railway Co,in regard to the purchase of the strips of land along their rightaway,at the water heedworks,and lease papers from the Office for emergency Management,in regard to the rental of office space in the City Hall for the O .P.A.Office . Councilman Morrill reported on the Higgen's drive way,and stated that the committee had not been able to render a full report on this question as yet. Counoilman.Thompson brought up the matter of the City creating for the public a suitable rest room station,It was. placed in the hands of the Health & Sanitation Committee for in- vestigation. The Drainage committee was instructed to see what could be done in regard to dreinning the west side of State Ave. opposite Ward St. Mr.Rod made a report on a meeting that he attended in Seattle in regard to buying supplies for the water system. Chief of Police Graham reported that he was short one man on the police Dept.and recommended Mr. Glenn Chittenden to fill the vacancy of Mr. L.E.Adams ,it was left in the Police Committee ' s hands for final action. Motion was made and carried to clear off all the old eas- ments,on property that the old City water main had,and not being used since 1930 ,when the new concrete line was construeted,and was placed in a different location.Engineer was instructed to look up discriptions of same . Mr. I.C.Clark drew the attention of the Council that the strip of land he deeded to the City in about 1938,on the East side of Kennebeck St. was not recorded,and ask if the City would have the engineer to re survey that portion,and he would quitclaim to the City.A motion was made and passed in favor of Mr.- Clerk's request. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Trick & Murray Office Supplies 2.71 S.L.White Special Police 27.00 Farman & Edline Supplies 12.35 L.R.Adams Police Salary 85.65 Monroe Calculating Machine Co Maintenance 18.54 Standard Oil Co Gas. & Oil 57.27 P.S.P.&L.Co Lights 299 .38 G.onnasons' Repair 5.31 Rasmussen Garage Repair Tools 1.55 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 37.34 Addressograph Ageney Supplies .e5 King Co. Road Dist r# 2 Gravel 112.50 Kent News Journal Notice 12.00 i .. Meeting Adjourned -- � Chas. Bridges City Clerk.