HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/20/194318 Kent Washington,December,20,1943. Regular meeting of the City Council present,Mayor Dunbar, Councilmen,Farman,Morrill,Sells,Shoff,Thompson,Worth. Minutes of December 6th.reed and approved; Clerk's report,Treasurer's report,and Budget report,read and filed. Councilman Shoff investigated the Kent Motor's bill for tepairs on the prowler car,and recommended it to be allowed. He also reported that Mr.Ross had not attempted to pay any of the damages to the prowler car,and the judge was going to write him a letter to come in and make some kind of a payment. Councilman Worth recommended to the council that he con- sidered a light'st Kennebeck and McMillian street was very badly needed.Motion was made to that effect and carried. Letter was received from Councilmen'Neden,tendering his resignation from the City Council owing to his poor health, to become effective Deoember,3lst,1943.Motion of acceptance. Communication from the NorthernPaoific Railway Co,asking to obtain two strips of land on each side of their right o way 50 ft. wide,through the ptioe of land the City owns at the springs.and what would be our oonsideration.It was. placed in the hands of the water committee,finause committee and engineeroto report back at the next meeting. Councilman Thompson reported that there were going to be some building improvments on east Temperance attend they were interested in -connecting to the sewer system.The mayor appoint- ed the sewer committee and the engineer to look over the possibilities of connecting into the present trunk system.and report at the next meeting. Discussion of whether or not the claim that Mr. Moll present- ed for back pay,as a policeman,for days off that he did not take when due,was feasible to grant or not.After looking over the itemized account, the police committee chairman recommended it be allowed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: 4254 Kent Motors Supplies 11. .Central Service Supplies .99 Assn.of Washington Cities Services 100.00 King Co. Rd. Dist # 2 Material 36.00 Donald Bell Auto Licenses 9.00 Grunsted.Cefe Meals 2.68 Pittsburgh Meter Co repair parts 2.54 S.L.White Special Police 48.00 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 48.06 Kent News -Journal Dog Notice 6.00 Water Dept. Water Rents 4008.00 E,H.Long Sharpen Mower 1.55 Howard -Cooper Corp. Supplies 4.43 Gonnason's Supplies 8.14 Kent Motors Repair Police Car 221.30 L.V.Moll Book Salary 274.35 Donald A.Bell Firemen Insurance 70.00 Pacific Tel.& Tel Co Phones 14.35 Chas. Bridges City Clerk. +0