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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/21/1943 Kent Washington,June ,21 ,1943.
Regular meeting of the City Council: present Mayor Dunbar, .
Councilmen Farman,Neden,Sells,Shoff,Thompson,and Worth.
Minutes of June ,7 , read and approved:
Reports read and filed,Police report,Treasurer' s report ,Budget,and
City clerk's report.
The water committee recommended that ,industries doing buisness
under one roof,where they would require two meters or more ,to
obtain enough water�o carry out their buisness should be billed
on one minimum.A motion was made and pasted that the recommendation
of the water committee be adopted.
The water committee recommended that the person that asked for
water from fire hydrants to do spraying for farmers would pay at
the same rate that the rural users were paying.
Councilman Shoff read a letter from Mrs.Aker asking for a reduction
for twenty' meter connections,no action taken, .Charges for meter
connections is governed by ordinance .
Councilman Farman made a. report of the police committee in regard
to,streetsigns ,parking zones ,police equipment needed.A motion
was made and pasted ,to give the police committee power to act
in regard to painting streets for parking purposes .
Councilman' Farman made a motion that the police dept.purchase a
card holder for finger prints ,and some ammunition for th6dr res-
pective guns.passed by the unanimous vote of the council.
Police committee and Chief of Police to make up a sketch of the
changes ,as to parking sign limits and etc .
Chief of police made a report of the conditions pertaining to
--� the State and county curfevr law ,and recommended that it should
be enforced.
Motion was' made by councilman Farman,and carried ,for the Chief
of police to see that the State juvenile Court law is inforced.
Motion was made and carried that new keys and lock cores be
ordered for the city hall ,and jail locks .
Central service station bill for repairs ,to a car accident,was
referred to the City At"torney,to consult with the state in-
surance commissioner,as to why the insurance company did not
pay the claim.
Councilman Thompson reported on the good work that the Civilian
Defense police were doing,in helping out with all kinds of j
police work that came up in area 17.
A motion was made and carried ,for the City clerk to write a letter
of appreciation,to Mr.L.R.Seemen,ceptain of the civilian police "
and his men.
Letter from Fred Meadowcroft ,read and filed.
Recommendation from the fire dept ,as to Harold Anderson becoming
�i a regular member of the dept. Motion made and carried to accept �I
! the vacancy of Imhoff.
Councilman Naden brought up the matter of investing City' s money
in war bonds.
A motion was made and carried ,to draw up a resolution to invest
$ 30 ,000.00 in war bonds ,to be presented at the next regular
-continued- ''C7
The mayor made the following appointments ,and approved by
the City council,
Plumbing inspector--- Mons Rod,Building Inspector,J.A.Fallgreal
A motion was made and carried ,to have the City phone trans-
ferred from Imhoff'sresidence to R.E.Grahem,chief of Police.
Motion was made and cerried ,that the park care-taker be p*teed
on the salary payroll at J 50 .00 per month,instead of by
the hour. Park fund.
Mons Rod's salary to be $180 .00 instead of $ 165.00, Water
L.H.Cavenaugh8s salary to be 100.00 instead of $80.00 from
the water fund.
Chas.Bridges to be paid $35.00 for water elerk,from the water
fund.Werrents to be drawn for these amounts the first of
Claims presented,and allowed as follows:
Pacific Telephone Co Phones & Toll $ 15.95
Kent Post Office Stamps & Box Rent 11.60
Sanderson Safty Sup. Fire expense 15.76
Federal Pipe & Tank Supplies 5.56
Marckmann & Williams Supplies 55.57
Grover Nelson Motor Co Gas & Oil 65.05
Potlatch Yards Inc. Material 42.09
P.S.P.&.L.Co Lights 297.38
Kent Motors Repair Grader 4.12
Lumber Stores Inc. Materiel 5.93
King Co. Tress. D.D.Taxes park 4.27
Kent News-Journal Printing 22.28
Fred Meadowcroft & Co Bomb Ins . 61.85
No further buisness appearing the meeting,upon motion did
then adjourn.
Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.