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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/02/1941258 El Kent, ''lashington, Jund 2nd. 1941. Regular meeting of The Gity Council; present Mayor Tooden and Councilmen Dunbar, I:":orrill, Haden, Sells, Shoff and Thompson. I:inutes of the meeting of lay 19, last, read and approved. Police Dept. repoet foe the month of Lay, read and filed. A letter was read from - Paul Uhlmann, in reguard to matters at lake '2wyer, read and refered to city ngineer; also a lette was read from the C. Z. & St. Paul Ry. , oCreeing to fix cross- ing at Meeker street. Upon motion it was decided to ask for an easement on ""iashing- ton street, from Chinn street north five or six hundred fttt, for a six inch sewyer; also permission was given for the sewer on Temperance street to be extended east approx. 200 feet. Ordinance No. 713, regulating the use and price of water, was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and car- ried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Resolution No. 234, authorizing the transfer of L.I.D.Funds, was read and adopted by unanimous vote. Offer of the State Hiahwny Dept., as per their letter of Mayl 282 last,( RE:PSH No. 5, Drainage of Cent. Ave. No.) was accep- ted and upon motion bids were ordered call for projects No.s 1- 2- &-3; Repare of Central Ave. No. Drainage of Centeral Ave. No and Repare of First Avenue South. CLAIMS PRESENTED .ND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: H. B. Madison Bond Prem. 60.00 Petro Paint Mfg. Co. Street Signs 3.05 United Janitor Supply Co. Janitor Supplies 12.28 R. E. Wooden Expense 2.10 Beth Short Typing 2.75 R. Schramm Dog Pound 24.90 J. A. Fallgreen Engineering 77.63 Irving C. Clark Engineering 64.12 Judd Greene Street Signs 40.00 Tima Sheet Labor for May 543.07 State Treasurer Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 8.97 Salary List May Salaries 1121.50 L. C. Thornhill Park Labor 50.00 Gladding McBean ! Co. Supplies 138.06 Valley Garage Gas & Oil 83.99 Columbia Lumber Co. Supplies 36.60 Addressograph Division Office Expense 1.02 Marckmann & Williams W. S. Supplies 101.13 Strains Transportation Freight 2•27 Trick & Murray Office Supplies .82 Johnson's Hdwe. Co. Supplies 11.95 Kent Milling Co. Park Expense 1000 Kent News -Journal Printing 33.48 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion did then adjurn. j" N L. E. Price, City Clerk.