HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/16/1940 247 Kent , Washington, December 16 , 1940 . Regular meeting of the City Council ; presenj Mayor Wooden & Councilmen Barnes , Dunbar , Morrill , Naden, Sells , Shoff & Thomps n Minutes of the last regular meeting , December 2nd . , last read and approved. Clerks report , Treasurers report and the Budget report , for the month of November, presented and Filed . Upon the Drainage Committee was empowdi,ed to put in a drain across N zel street , between Smith & Temperance streets, proper- owners to pay for the same. Ordinance No. 711 , authorizing the payment of milage & expen- ses to City Officials when away from the City on City busyness , was read and placed upon its final passage and carried by the following vote : Councilmen Barnes , Dunbar , Morrill , Sells , Shof and Thompson voting "Aye" and Councilman Naden voting "Nay" . Upon motion the"Red Cross"was granted the use of the upstares hall on the second and fourth iednesdays after-noon of each Mo. Upon motion the Council went on record as favoring "Home Rool ' in the matey of conducting elections & ect . The Mayor Apointed Dr. C . Miller and Frank Bouldron as aditional members of the"Defence Council" CLAII;S PRESENTED AND ALLO1'dED '�S FOLLO,VS: Crane Company Water System Supplies 64.61 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 12124 Geo. 0 . Hallock Truth. Expense 2.30 Grange 1arehouse Co. Supplies 1.66 Addressograph Corp. Office Lxpense .69 Standard Oil Company Gras & Oil 29 .79 Kent Investment Co . Auto Licenses 10 .00 P.S.P.& L. Company Light & Power 303.40 F. L. Taylor 4 . Plumbing & Supplies 25.85 Seattle Title Ins., Co. Cert. of Ownership 2 .50 Joe HoGar•dy Park .expense 1.50 City of Kent Park & Hyd. Rental 3630.00 Assn. of Wash. Cities Service Charges 75 .00 Kent Motors Police Car Expense 12 .94 Olympic Foundry Co. Sewer Grate 3.83 L. E. Price Office Expense 8.42 Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Hose & Grader Teeth 465.32 J. M. Elliott Police Expense 1.38 J. R. Anderson Alarm Signal 5.00 A. E. Fuller Alarm Sij_;nal 5 .00 Bush Hdwe. Co. Supplies 29 .43 Ramstead Electric Co. City Hall 167.31 Kent News-Journal Printing 4.60 Decoration Committee Donation for Decoration 50 .00 No further business appearing the meeting , upon motion, did then adjurn. L. E. Price , City Clerk. i i