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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/16/1940 241 Kent Washington, September,16 , 1940. Regular meeting of the City Council:present Mayor Wooden and Councilmen,Barnes,Dunbar,Naden,Sells,Shoff,and Thompson Minutes of The Last regular meeting,of Sept.3,last was read and approved. ClIerks report,Treasurers report,and Budget report presented and filed. Street committee reported on meeker street improvment. start repairing next spring, Motions were made andseconde-As per three resolutions, Resolution # 228 ,To improve Meeker St. From west property line on First Ave . to east property line on foutth. Resolution # 229 Resolution # 230 For a safer crossing at Dix' s Corner , I where the Kent Des Moines Hi-ftjt crosses the Seattle Tacoma Federal Hi-flay. i Street & Drainage committee to investicate the drainage condition, in North Park,and Hazel Street .report their find ings at the next regular meeting. Motion made to have the wiring completed in the City Hall, Building committee has power to act. Motion made to give the fiance committee power to act on the settlement of a quick claim deed to Bob Hurts lots on R.R.Ave. So. I Mons Rod reported on progress of work at springs,and creek. Letter read from the Mayor of Tacoma,as to the reginal meeting in Tacoma, Claims Presented and Allowed as Follows. J.K.Gill Co. Library Books $ 44.88 Kent Milling Co Park Expense ;80 Shell Oil Co St. Material 5.36 City Transfer Street Oiling 8.43 Pioneer Inc. Re�,.Supplies 5.97 Petro Paint Co. Street Paint 8.42 Kent Motors Fire Dept. 5.30 P.S.P.L.Co Lights 22.60 Rensselaer Valve Co Supplies 122,52 Orlin Knight Truck Co Freight 8. 45 Trick & Murray Office Sup. 8.57 Addressograph Corp Office Sup. .75 Mumbia Lbr.Co. Sup. 10.97 R.Schremm Dog Pound 18;60 News-Journal Printing 48.45 No further buisness appearing the meeting,upon motion, did then adjourn. j L.E.Price,City Clerk. i a I i I