HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/30/1898 _ _ ' �f/1�/,���D a� /1"1�D �u�P,D �.�-F�"l/ �ryca� -d✓
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1893,by p.nc 'b9twoea id. v. -13Attle nnr? Mary An iA L'nttle,}its. wife,
()f flip of Senttla, "r)Urlty,itato of WnslAIL"t.on,the parties
.j._ •,A of the first 'pArt,And t1.ig TsGwn 'of' liAlit,A J:.sziicip�l corpora{ion of
tTie rountii class,situntA ipi'Kin& ;'owlty,-ItRte of
r. party cif tLe second part,
W i .t rips s3 e t h!,' t1;nt for. P rid La coasidernt io'l of t is cove-
ns�nti ':pxomisers ^.nd m!rrepments on th&l par{ of the paarty of t1,9 ssc-
pnrt,Y,Are L!v fter coats ined a nrl to be by it kept -A pAri.'ormed,tl,e
vmrties of" t%e first part Hereby rive e,id ;rarity szato the pert, o
the second })Art,mvid to its sr�ccPssors,ilio r-i-'it lad g athority to
tnkp and use from tlim'wkArs r.isingr upori,or flowLfig i!i ti.,A creek;"
across t%,A aoQ.thwezt quarter of Vue North-ist qunrtar�oi section
tliirty,towaslitp twenty-two North,of r.san;;p five rast,W.M.-,King„
^.nnnty,Statq of Vlpa?,in ton,wAt?r sllfficlpRt to fill P mine fostr . ,
lnsl:es in diAmeter,.iriaidq ruensure,uzdgr the press-izrA of six €eat
- below tup s;:irfncn of the wnter,se,id witer to be collected gaa sto
at soave po.iat bwtw4Aa the presprit supply, tnjik^ of Vue party of�ti.ie
' second pgrt;oa Vie said creAk,g)id the head waters of said creek;
alld th.0 pirties of the first part dive etid great sznto the party_ w
of• the secondpgrt►its sand Authorlea MI �110.1
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�Yi�i�f' �'(�1tiW:6ir.�s..�:StrAnu.u.Ira�'.d�lha:� ^�+'saz^"' t.. ,_..,.�yma..rm..:::.r..
end K.it2i Vie pprtias of the first pert, t2iAt t2ia parties of thA ,
first p;Frt shall hmve t2.A rig',t iau Futhority,aad thy° nArty of tl"�
sacond amrt 2ernby givps —id ZrRlits u-ito th4a aartiAs of thA f.ir'st' {'
pnrt,t,liA right,rov,Ar 'qij Fi-It?:orty to tip i2iP pr.asent water rosin
T p A, t 1 a q A 7� R {
of t_,, p r.l of t . • s cony d� r�,, id n« ot',Ar w�i�ar n.n:i,i t,;,ic2z't"
Party of t,.e ,acond .)art rLnyl?lprppftPr lmy,extAa(ibi.; Troy. t2iR
sail l.crgd., of tLe, ;?artias of tl,e first 1Tmrt,Ft s_tc.i polat or`polm ,`,`
As t2,Py mmy das.iri:,»rid tAke thprefrom,Fab ase, u-ter safficiPnt k,Y
`fir ,..
for dflment.ic parposas f'or two fAn,ilies;gnd s_ifficipnt to irrigAt
any �lArclpn or Z,,rdPns on VA 8qLd l?nds of t2.A of th,
first part _ _ _ "w.itluout a av charig9
therafr t y of the sA"gd part, or its saccesscrs;ti,9
tappiae; of ga irl mpj a,'iiia t;,p asp of 9Q Ld wAtAr to bA uarlc'r t %FP r
suparvlsLnn of t2ip pmrt,7 of t3,A seco,id pnrt,in orzl�x' to prevent
Walt A of vlpteX from Sm id rum L-A, ! "
TlqlOViDrD,%ov'evar,mnd these prAgFnts are apoi thp, express
coaCtitna that if' smid tAgk anel new pipe ltriA -,provided for in t2iis
egreeraeat, s:umll aot apvA bean located aid astAb'tis2iAd� wlLhia two '
years £rota UP date of thLs A rapa.-it,Vien,ia sack Avant,tf,4 f
riglits and priv and VhA whole tliaraof, r.Ai�� rAntpd's3,nll f
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