HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/30/1935 99
jl Special Cit Counci_1. ;. i,reoolit L11.1 of t;l.,.e
Councili,en and t' Ely or .
"1 e lE'et:irij_; v+c).fi (.'ailed fo1' 11c puroose of in tl!e
t09 ,900. 00 .reicir.=.-L Uti_iit, ter J3onds 1;11t!t beconle ontior!.-
a 1_ on J.a y 1_r t .
Tl.ie follo-inc i).e ol.utioYl , tar vtir read c:n(1 upon. ritotion 1)as �-
ed l)y the unanimous vote of all. of i-I)e '.%ouncil'_'Len Orement .
!"l{Fit}AS , .there are now outstca idirl(; -"iter revenue bonds of
the City of Lent irstiu.ed pur,i.!ant to ordinance l.o . ()03 , of
said city , passed sand a�oocoved January 23 , 1-30 , i.r! the
l)rincil--)al sum of One hundred ai.,O ITine Thousand Five 111)andred
Dollars (0109 ,50o.00) , v'ith interest
on tree first dm.;; 9 of 1._ay and 11ove3liber Of each year , rilicll
said t;onds are .d,�ted 1ia.y 1c1, .
VTIIJ(ui'i1,AS , id i:otlds l.;,y t1!eir ea�,:uresr, terl!ls -1)rovide tll-at
tKey 1,1,)y he. Ca.l-led for on cnr y 117te1 ert 04ate on nild
after 1"lay 1st. 1935; and ,
`"HF1tTAS , refun�'.i.rr�:; l)onds of the c _t,,' ! lay -be issued �ii td �cld
bearir C, a lover interest; rate than tl,e honds nov, outs1A3_,id-
I ink , a_rld it is to tl.te interest of the said Citv o" Lent to
and redeem :.UCJJ oL.ttstandirq 1-7a : er revenue ]ponds t.:1110
issue refunc?irjj; llorids at. a -edLiced �.zltFrest .rate;
-!E. V.f.., !0-.1E1)(U J) ]'), Tll l� Cl['CY COUF"CII,
01F `[T1 J,; CITY OF
That th.e City- of J�ont does .:lerel,z, exercise its Opt-
ion ,i d does stereby ca_il for oyi,witt on Lay 1st . 1935 , all-
of 11-J1e out standinl; bonds of tJl-e Ci.ty of Lent v7ater 1,evenue
l arYds , dated 1,ay lst . 1930 , a1l.d isst ed. ��ursuc nt -t ordiil.an
ce Iio . EiO� of : �tid cit�T , intf: e t ul)011. s ai.cl licildr, ceuni_nLi,
a �5•
s of date i� a 1.( r tit • 1ca?
IIO fIII't)"Lc-'1' i.!LicJ111E'E?;i fllj)E'�_1' L1"L(-; i;'.�iC ,E.c ,7_]lt„ La.hOr1 motion ,
did tl err adjiurn .
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