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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/17/1934 92
Kent , "Ias7iin, ton , Dec. 17 , 1934.
.regular _meeting of the City Council; present T,Tayor Poucher
and Councilmen Dunbar ,Hardy ,T�!Li.11er , 11aden, Sells Y: 7'aoden.
7inutes of tiie meetiric of December 3 , I st , read & approved
Clerks report , Treasurers report and the Budget rel)ort for
I'?ovember , presented and filed .
A petition , presented by Tars . Elen Dow °7 fitter}:er , for tlae
vacation of the alley through block 9 , O.O.Kent , v,as read and
the following resolution i-as adopted , in relation to t1le same
IT ZS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 1"Lent , tha.
the petition of Helen Dow 77hitterker , being the the soleand
only owner of all of clock 9 aforsaid , and that no other per-
son than the said ,lielen Dow '",11itGl:er ov;n.s any part or• portion
of said property , and has no abutting property to said -alley.
The said petition havinf; been 10rerented to the City Council it
reE;ular session on the 17t1i. (1- of Decemrer , 1934 , and the
council having adopted the same , does hereby set the same :for
a hearing at the meetinb- of .the City Council on the 21st . day
of January , 1935 , in the council c1IanAberv, at tti.e Cit� Iza11 ,
and that all persons v:bo desire to object to the same , are
hereby notified to file their ohjecticns with the City Clerk,
or so appear and present ,he same to the city council at said
meeting, on the said 2-1st . day of January , 1935, "which time
and place is hereby fixed foi' tl-le hearing, of all matters re-
lating_ to the said vacation and. all obj ections thereto.
That the Cit;- Clerk is directed to give notice of the tim
and place of said hearing as regi(ired by law.
W. VT. 71aters Office �'upplies 4 1 -) .20
Time Sli.eet Labor 22.50
Petroleum Fuel Service Co . Fuel Oil 55•89
Crescent ©ff�e 'Sup - Co . Office Supplies 16.40
L . E. Price Office Fxpense 13.40
Stonway Dock Co . Cement 2. 50
P. S. P. & L. Co . Li-Ait Porer 291 .23
Valley Garage Co . Gas �: Oil 52.79
I: . yl. ;Usedorph , P-INT. StanrPed Tnveloues 27.64
restern Office Sup. Co . Office Expense 1 .85
'Vrater System 1`,L.ter �- erit�,ls 34P,."00
bent Feed Co. Park E---,--
pense 1 .60
H. VT. Wilson Library Kooks 16.40
Gaylord Frothers Library Pooks 18.70
T . B. Thomas Kalsom-ininG City 11.all 185. 00
li L . E. Price , Cit;r Clerk Drainage &: St . Project 130. 00
Ito further business apearing tree meetin(y, , upon motion did
then ad.j urn.
L. F. Price
City Clerk.