HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/05/1934 72 Kent, Washinj. ton, March 5, 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council; Present Mayor Boucher and Councilmen Dunbar, Hardy, Miller, Naden, Sells & Wooden. Minutes of the meeting of Mazz February 19 , last , read and approved. Police Judge Aeport for January & February presented and filed. Petition to vacate portions of Sixth Avenue , between Meeker and Shinn Streets read and refered to the Street Committee , with power to act: , Engineer was directed to establish the Section corner on James Street . - Upon motion the City agreed to donate pipe for drain for the High School. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: J. G. Watson' Tools & rieps. 10.95 Rice Mill- Co . Lumber 23.61 Kent Electric Co. Supplies 33 15 Crescent Office Supply Co . Office Supplies 8.50 L.• E. Price Aegistration Expense 8.00 Monroe' Calculating Machine Co .Mant. Contract' 18400 Duro Test Corporation Trafic Sig. Supplies 15.84 Ortto A. Case , State Treas. Ind. Ins . & Med. Aid 15.61 P. S. P & L. Co . Light & Power 28479 . Time Sheet Labor g4g:40 Salary List Salaries 00 Ramstead Hdwe . Co.' Supplies 6.16 Coleman Motor Co . Truck Expense 2.25 j Geo. 0. Hallock Truck Expense 4.00 City Transfer Hawling Pipe 93,05 1 .13 Valley Uarage Gass State Tax Commission Sales Tax 3 13 .07 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pipe 20120 Standard Oil Co. Gass & Oil 26..46 J. A. Fallgreen Engineering & Inspect. 19.12 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion did then adjurn. I I • L. E. Price , City Clerk. i I' �! RESOLUTION and ORDER OF IlEARING, j I WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City i Clerk of the City of Kent, Washington, praying for the vacation j of that part of Sixth Street between Meeker Avenue and Shinn Avenue, in said City, more particularly described as follows: j That part of the westerly 20 feet of Sixth I Street in Rasmussen' s Addition to the City of Kent, King County, Washington, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, lying north of that I certain westerly strip of said street heretofore vacated by Ordinance 508, approved November 21, 1922, and more particularly described as follows: i Beginning at the intersection of the west j I line of said Sixth Street with the north line of Block 3 of said Ras:nussen' s Addition, produced westerly across said street; thence northerly, I along the west line of said street to the south line of Shinn Avenue; thence easterly, along said j south lire of Shinn Avenue 20 feet; thence southerly, parallel to the west line of said Sixth Street, to a point in said north line of Block 3 produced; thence west,along said north line of i j Block 3 produced, 20 feet to the point of beginning. And it appearing to the City Council of the City of Kent that said petition is signed by the owners of more C than two-thirds of the private property abutting upon the part j of such public way or street sought to be vacated; I NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said petition be and it is hereby referred to the Street Committee of the City Council with power to act and to fix a date for hearing I'. ji and determination of said. petition by said City Council, and L � that notice of said hearing be given as required by law. I i i I; i f i' i Ij I Resolution r In the matter of the vacation of Sixtit street. between Meeker Avenue and Shinn Avenue, as described in the petition filed with the City on March 5th, 1934 such matter having been referred to this Commmittee by the Council with power to act,- and to fix a date for hearing said petition,- Resolved - that petition be brought on for hearing on the day of 1934, and that notice of�said �hearing be given as required by law. Dated March 9th, 1934 Attest: Street Committee. City Clerk. I �t . Yo I CSRSAS , a Vaetitian having boon duly filed with the City Coungli, of the City of R+a n%* Washington, praying for the vacation of that part of Sixth *%root between Mookaear Avenue and Shinn Avenue in said city, hereinafter po rticulawrly de- scribed, and it appaesring to the asid Council that $aid petition was ajVwd by the owners of swam than two-thirds of than private property abutting upon said part of avoid street or public 'NiR r sought to be vacated$ the City Counaeil by resolution adopted at Its regular meotlng held on than Sth day of tiarah, 1934, referred said potiti.on to t'ho :street Coumit'tora Of said Council with power to act and to fix a dot* for hearing end detornimt- tion of sai4 petition by the City Ceunail, once sold COeantttaee has fixed tho tires and place 'hereinafter rat forth for st%id hearing end dot*rnittat 0n# Now TMUMOUSt NUT101i lit MMY-BY GIUM that OtLid paetl- tion trill to hoard and detiera lsod at a M00ting Of th* City Caun- oil of the city of xent to be held at the C unoll C r in tho City Iiaell of said alty, in Kin_j COUAty, lashinstono on the _.... day of April, 1934, at the hour of a o'clock » . art avoid day, or as soon thaereaftaer as said matters can b" heard, ,Me sold portion of sold strop% or public way sought to be vaest+ed is particularly desaribed as foll.osae, t* sit That part of the westerly 40 rest or Sixth street in RasAuseen.'s Addition to the City Of K*At, KlJW County. TashjAgtan, according to tho fitly recorded plat thoroof, lying north of that aertsla westerly strip of sold st"Ot heretofore vacated by Or^diaoasae 5080 aat roved November tit Im and mrs particularly 4e20aribe4 as follows * seginning at the intersection of tho West liter ;f said sixth street with the north line of B100h 3 Of sold Pas"raa en's Addition, ra�dueod westerly �I *roes sold aa►troot, thence, northerly, x=g the w'eet lino Of sold street, to tba south 1IA0 Of Shim a vOnu*; thetas 6 aeaast- erly 11 along sold south Lim of Shinn Avenue, 30 fOst theneo southerly, parallel to the West line of said Sixth street, to aw point in said north line of block 3 produced; thatEl*s crest, niong said north line of Block Z produced, ao root to tho point of beginning, �1,,TWgii,s my hand and the 3oael of said City of pant this ,...,,,E. slay of ......,,�. Ma, 34 93 �/ cityClork.