HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/05/1934 70
Kent , Vlashington, February 5, 1934.
Regular meeting of the City Council , present Mayor Bouch-�
er .and Councilmen Dunbar, Dunn, Hardy, Miller, Naden , Sells
and Wooden.
Minutes of the last regular meeting, held on June 15 last ,
read and approved.
Clerks Annual City Report and W. S. Report, and the Re-
port of the Librarian for 1933, presented and filed.
City Attorney reported on the Claim of Mrs. Cecilia K.
Patton, recomending that the same be not allowed, and upon
motion the recomendation was adopted and claim disalowed.
The City Attorney also reported on the m Hans Peder-
son property on First Street , recomending that a deed be
issued back. to the owners for the sum of $170.90, the total
amt. of. assessments and costs , upon motion the recomendatio
was adopted and deed ordered issued.
Mr. Rod was instructed to proceed to repair the bridge
across Mill Creek, on E. Titus street.
King County For Gravel $ 64.80
Western. Office Supply Co . Office Supplies, 1.88
Crescent Office Supply Office Supplies 5.50
Irving C. Clark Assisting Eng. 2.00
West Disenfecting Co . Janitor Supplies 5.21
Kent Electric Co. Supplies • 6.23
Ramstead Hdwe. Co. Supplies 9.17
Coleman, Motor Co. Police Uar Exp. 1 .20
Petrolepm Fuel Service Co . Fuel Oil 57.51
Johnson Hdwe. Co. Supplies 3.60
R. W. Murkar Tools & Reps. 7.50
H. W. Wilson Co. Library Supplies 16.40
Stewart. Kingma Park Labor 8.00
Salary List Sal . for January 898.00
City Treanfer, Co . Fuel Oil & Pipe Hawling 192.84
Time Sheet Labor for January 348.75
Otto A. Case , State Treas. Ind. Ins. & Med Aid 10.80
Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber & Supplies 34.25
P. S. P & L. C. Light & Power 263.31
E. F. Hansen Tools & Reps 8.65
Highway Garage Co . Truck Expense 19.05
F. L. Taylor W. S. Supplies 32.90
L. E. Price Office Expense 13.61
Business Tax Division Tax on Water necpts. 48.57
Center Service Station Truck Expense 10.00
W. W. Waterp Supplies 20.00
Mac Bpyker Supplies 2.50
Olympic Foundry Co . Meter Boxes 53.45
Pioneer Bind. & Print. Co . report Blanks 18.25
Berlin Motor Co. Gas/ & Oil 55.26
Gonnason Brothers Car. Expense 10.09
J. A. Fallgreen Eng. & Inspect . 9.00
No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion
the meeting did then adjurn.
L. E. Price ,
City Clerk.