HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/03/1933 4 9 Kent , Washington , April 3 , 1933 Regular meeting of the City Council mamtj�x; present Mayor Boucher and Councilmen Boyker , Dunn , Hardy , Jenks , Wooden and i Naden. Minutes of the meeting of Tdiarch 20th. ,last , read and approv- ed. Comunication from Mayor Tennent of Tacoma, reguarding Army day , read and filed. Ordinance No. 644, providing for the issuance of j$15000.00 Sewer bonds , read and upon motion placed upon its final- passaf-P and carried by the unanimous vote of tL11 of the Councilmen present. Ordinance No . 645, providing for the Licensing and Controls of bear and light wines , was read and upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Eight bids were opened and read for a list of V'ater System supplies and upon motion the bid was awarded to the Olympic Foundry Co. for y$116.50 as per list , as being the lowest and best bid. Upon motion the _ Ross Valve (1211 ) , belonging to the City v!as sold to the Pacific Water Works Supply Co . Por $200.00 , in Traid Upon motion R. C. Noble was granted the use of lots in blk. 2 & 5, N.F. Add. and hereafter anyone wishing to use lots for garden purposes must get a writen permit from the City Clerk. It was ordered that hereafter the City Hall can not be used by any one or for any purpose without permission in writing from the Hall Committee and stating; the xxu purpose for which the meeting is held. Application of several persons for licenses to sell bear and light wine were presented and accepted., licenses to be granted when the proper formality has been complied with & fee paid. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Valley Garage Co . Fire Truck Exp. 3.30 Auburn Concrete Prod. Co. Tile 5.37 L. H. Cava;iaugh Police Exp. 2.50 Westinghouse Elect . Co. Light Globe 4.47 Kent Elect . Co . Supplies 11.95 H. Rice Lumber for Drain- 7.20 L. A. Parke - Globes for St. Lights 11.25 Rwiistead Electrick Co.. Supplies 9.36 Time Sheet, Regular Labor for T,'Larch 403.00 Time Sheet, Sewer Labor for. March 42.86 P . S. P. 7. L. Co. Light & Power 294.35 Johnson Hdwe. Co . Supplies 19. 32 Otto A. Case , State Treas . Med . Aid & Ind. Ins 13.39 Stewart Kingma Labor 84.00 Sal. List Sal . for March 898.00 Ransselaer Valve Co , Hyd . Parts 3.67 L. E. Price )ffice Expense 20.70 Berlin Hadwe . Co . Supplies 30.2 3 Geo. O . Hallock Truck Expense 2.50 Columbia Lumber Co. Supplies 13.65 R. W. Murkar Toole &; Reps. 5.30 Centrail Service Station Gass & Oil 35.48 Time Sheet , Sewer Labor for Idar. 45.45 J. A. Fallgreen Eng. & Inspect. 190.12 No furl:her Business appearing the meeting , upon motion, did then adjurn. City Clerk.