HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/06/1933 44 Kent , Yfashin; ton , Feb. 6, 1933- Regular meeting of the City Council; present Yayor Boucher and Councilmen Boyker , Dunn , Hardy , Jenks , Naden and 17ooden. Minutes of the meeting of January 16 , and adjurned meeting of January 23 , last , read and approved. i Police report and the Library report for the year 1932 were presented and filed. Finance Committee reported on trip to Olympia and progress bond issue. Application of the Valley Band for one night each week for band practice in the council chambers , rejected. A resolution, protesting the provisions of Senet Bill #129 , (Hereto attached) , was read and adopted by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . A comunication from the Bureau of Hydraulics , inclosing pro- tests against the City appropriating eater from lake Sawyer , vas read and filed. Engineer reported the Trunk Sewer Contract completed and upo motion the same was accepted, except as to extraies yet to be agreed upon. CLAIMS RrAD AND AL1,077D AS FOLL0 IS: Trick & Murray Office Suppliesv 1 .85 Johnson Hdwe. Co . Supplies 4.30 Packer-Scott Co . Janitor Supplies 9.31 Gladding McBean & Co . Sewer Tile 6 .25 American LaFrance Corp . Fire Hose 55. 00 Grangers 111. H. Co . Supplies 2.00 Berlin Hdwe. Co . Supplies 8.05 L. E. Price Office Expense 16.80 L. E. Price % 7I.W.Waters Office Expense 1 .80 Gonnason Brothers Police Expense 4.68 N. E. Collins City Ball Exp. 18.00 Crescent Office Sup. Co . Office Supplies 2.4C Remington-Rand Corp . Mant . Cont . 10.00 Carl Bjork Sewer Est. 1755.16 J. A. Fallgreen Eng. and Insp. 165. 37 11. Rice Lumber 244.74 Advertiser-Journal Printing 17.93 Stewart Kinf�-,na Labor 39.00 Sal . List Sal . for January 898. 00 Library Board Books & Expense 44.03 Kent Electric Co . Supplies 4. 37 I Berlin Yx2i . Motor Co. Gas:, & Oil 37.09 Otto A. Case , State Treas . Ind . Ins . &: Ided Aid 9.90 Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber 48.80 Time Sheet Labor for January 537.75 Geo . 0 Hallock Car Rep. 4.25 P . S. P & L. Co . Power & Light 306.67 Everett Elect . Co . Thawing Machine 6.OQ Palmer Supply Co . Water Syst. Supplies 21 ./3 Strains Auto Freight Freight 3.70 Valley News Police Supplies 5.00 E. F. Hansen Tools & Reps . 13.75 E. Meadowcroft Janitors Supplies 2.40 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, di ' then ad j urn. L. E. Price , City Clerk. Whereas, Senate Bill j/129, under consideration by the State Legislature of the State of Washington, if enacted, would subject the City of Kent to dom- ination of larger cities who own electric light and power plants, without the consent of the City of Kent or without vesting in the City of Kent even the right Of appeal to the State Department of Public Works in the matter cf rates and r egulati on : Whereas, suoh a bill would effectively taim away from Dent the rights of home rule which it now enjoys in the matter of local legislation and fran- chisesz Whereas, such a bill would remove from the tax rolls a large amount of taxable it operty with no recompense to the remaining taxpayers in the counties, cities, school districts or other governmental units that might thus be affected, to the general detriment of all of the people therein: Therefcre, be it resolved by the City Council of Kent , in regular session assembled, representing the people of Kent, Washington, that via emphatically oppose the provisions contained in Senate Bill if129 and that we urgently request the State Legislature of the State of Jash.ington to rewrite this bill or mend it in such a manner that the City of Kent be protected in the following points: 1. Municipal plants extending their lines beyond their cnvn ci ty 'limits into the City of Kent shall do so only with the consent and approval of the City of Kent and shall be required to meet any and all franchise requirerents imposed by the City Council, 2. Municipal plants extending their lines beyond their awn city 1 imit s into the City of Kant, shall be required to pay taxes on the same basis as the private companies doing business within the City of Kent. 3. Municipal plants extending their lines beyond their own city limits into the City of Kent shall be required to compete with the private company or companies doing business. within the City of Kent on a basis. of equity and stall be subject to idea- tioally the same state regulations as the private company or companies: Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Clarence D. Llartin and to each member of the legislature from this district. whereas Senate Bill 129, under consideration by the State Legislature of the State of yjashington, if enacted, would sub je et the City of Kent to dom Jwtion of larger cities who own electric light and poorer plants, without the consent of the City of Bent or without vesting in the City ofKant even the right of appeal to the State Department of Public Torks in the matter of rates and retuletion : Nhereas, such a bill would effectively talcs away spin thetmatter ofts of localhom rule legislation ich i t now enjoy andfran chises: Whereas, such a bill would remove from i�the notax rolls a large amount of taxable ope in the counties, reeompemse �tO the remaining taxpayers cities, school thus betricts or affected,otoe r governmental units that might the general detriment ht of all of the people therein: Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Kent , in regular session assembled, representing the people of Bent, Washington, tllat see emphatically oppose the provisions contained in Senate Bill 7r129 and that we urgently request the Mate Legislature of the State�of�VT���nnerntl�t rewrite Citythis of bill be amend it in protected in the following points: 1. I:,unicipal plants extending theifr lin s nt beyond their own city limits into the Cptr Poval of the shall do so only with the consent and a City of Rent are uiremnts required imposed by the meet City ouncil. and all franchise q 2. Municipal plants extending their lines beyond their cu7n city 1 imit s into the City of iLont, shall be required to pay taxes on the same basis as the private companies doing; business within the City of Kent. municipal Plants extending their lines beyond their own city limit the private company of Kent shall be required to compete with the v or companies doing business within the City of Kent on a basis. of equity and mall be sub je ct to iden- tically the same state regulations as the private company or companies: Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be sent of toheelegisla legislature thisin and to each member district.