HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/07/1932 14 Kent , Washington, March 7 , 1932 Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Boucher and Councilmen Foyker , Punbar , Dunn , Hardy Naden and T.Tood.en. Coun- cilman Jenks coming in later. minutes of the meeting; of February 15th. , last , read and approves. Clerks report and the Budget report , for the month of , presented and filed. i Upon motion a report on all outstanding bonds , where all � assessments are paid , vras ordered for next meeting. The Clerk eras instructed to adjust meter bills in the flood district, where pumps are used. Building Committee reported , recomendin�; the payment Ram of - bill for Fire Ball doors. Claim of Jesse Mood Burrows for damages was read and' refer- ed to the- City Attorney for investigation and report. i A RESOLUTION, designation banks in which the City moneys are to be kept , ras read and adopted as follows: WHERAS C. C. VIALLACE was elected and qualified City Treas- urer of the City of Kent , in King County Washington, and as- sumed the duties of said office on or about the 4th. day of M , 1931 , and WIiEREAS a portion of the funds of the City of Kent had been carried by the former Treasurer in the First National Bank of Kent , and the Kent National Bank, under and by virtue of the provisions of the laws of the State of Washington pertaining to City Depositaries , and the said C. C. Wallace , after his qualification a City Treasurer, continued to carry said fund in the Banks aforesaid, and the said Banks having given secur- 6ty as depositary of said funds , either by Surety Bond or de- posit of .other securities in lieu thereof �as provided by said act; riOW .THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ant in regular session at the Council Chambers , that the acts -of the said C. C. Wallace , be and the same are he reb approved and confirmed by a majority vote of the City Council IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said City 'Tregsurer havin designated the First National Bank of Kent and the Kent National Bank as depositaries of city funds during his term of office , and the said Banks having accepted said funds , and contracted to pay to the City of Kent the interest on said funds as pro- vided by law, and having given bond of surety, or deposited other security as provided by law in lieu thefeof , the City Council of the City of Kent , hereby confirms and approves said apointment , made by the said C. C. Wallace , Treasurer, and that said appointment and confirmation shall continue in force un- der such designation during the term of office of the (said Tr- easurer` unless sooner revoked by majority vote of the City Council. P.ESOLUTION 140. 227 , declaring intention to make local imp- rovement , v,as read and adopted as follows: It is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County, 'Yashinf.rton, that it does hereby declare its inte tion of. improving, Tracts 25-24 and 23, of Tatermane Acre Tr cts , Lots 1-2 and 3 of Block E, in Crows Addition, Tracts 1-2 and 3, in Jeffreys 1st. Addition , the portion of unplated pro - erty lying north of the Crows Addition and Jeffreys lst. Addi tion, which is bounded on the north by Willis Street , East by Second Avenue; and viest by Third Avenue and block 16 of Yes- lers First Addition. By constructing and laying a lateral serer of six inches i diameter , described as follows , to-z"it: 15 Beginning on ore about the approximate center of the south line of Tract 25 of Waterman's Acre Tracts , running thence Yo. through the approximate center of tracts 25-24-&-23 of Water- man 's Acre Tracts 25-24-&23 to the south line of Gowe street; thence across Gowe street to the alley between Block E. of Crows Addition ,. on the west , and Tracts 1-2-&3 of Jeffreys Addition , on the east , thence north through said alley and across unplatted property to the south line of Willis street; thence across Willis street and through the approximate center of block 10, Yeslers First Addition, and corrected with the sewer now laid to the south of said Saar street . And doing such other work as may be necessary in conect- ion therewith, all in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. That all persons who may desire to object to the said irp- provment are hereby notified to appear and present such objec* tions at- a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Coun- cil. Chambers , in the City Mall at 8 o 'clock P.11I: , on the ' 4th. day of April , 1932, which time and place i-s hereby fixed for the hearing- of all matters relating to said improvement , and all objections thereto , and for determining the method of pay- ment for, said improvement. That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council , at or prior to said date , all data and information re- quired by law to be so submitted. ' That tale cost and expense of said improvement shall 'be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. Upon motion the Johnson Pool Hall License' was ordered transfered to new location on Meeker street. The property owners on Scenic Hill were , upon motion, gran ted permission to lay lateral sewer, under the direction of the City Engineer., and at their owns expense. 1 The Hansen Water Line was, upon motion, ordered renewed, where necessary to give service. CLAIMS WERE PRESENTED- AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: E. F. Hansen Toole & Reps. 2.25 Mable IA. Risedorph, P.M. Stamped Envelopes 45.04 Pitsburgh Meter Co. Meters 129.00 'later System Charity list i8.?5 j Remington Rand Ins. Contract 10.00 Standard Oil Co. Gass & Oil 21 .12 C.W.Hinton, State Trea. Idled. Aid & Ind. Ins . 6.86 Time Sheet , Labor for Feb. '332.50 F. L. Taylor Tools & Reps . 18.65 N. T. Barnes Fire Ball Doors 32.35 J. A. Fallgreen Eng. and Insp. 22, 0 J. E. Crown Bail 2.00 Shaffer Brothers Supplies 2.50 Monroe Calc. Mach. Co. Contract 18.00 Johnson Hdwe. Co. Supplies 1 , Central Service Station Police Car Exp. 5 66 Kent Elect. Co. Supplies 3.10 Crescent Office Sup. Supplies 1 .70 City Transfer Co. Fuel Oil & Concrete 79.18 j L. E. Price Office Exp . 11 .993 Berline Hdwe .. Co. Supplies 6. 0 Grant Auto Elect . Co . Fire Dept. 21 .00 Olympic Foundry Co . 1,1an Hole Cover 8.10 R. A. Chittenden Ins . for Firmen Sal . List Salaries for Feb. 890.00 P. S. P & L. Co. Light & Power Stewart Kingma Park. Labor 371 .68 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 320 Frank Franks Labor 6... 0 60 E. A. Brown Labor 5.00 No further business appearing the meeting adjurned. City C1