HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/01/1932 12
Kent , rashtnnton, February 1 , 1932.
Regular meetinB of twe City Council; nresenj Mayor Boucher
Ad Councilmen Boy}per , Dunbar, }hardy , Vdden A Wooden.
Councilmen Dunn & Jenks corning in later.
Mutes l�o�f thd 'meeting, of January 18th. , bast , read and ap-
Drainage Committee reported on work done on No . Third Ave . ,
clearing drains & Ect ,
Finance Committee reT-iorted on definency in J,. ' I . Dist . No .
191 .
aCity Attorney di.rected .t.o .prepar an ordinangq eleminating
block 4, T. C . I . Cos . First Addition fa:.om the First Zone of
the present Fire Limits; also ancordi.nance regulating tempoary
Merchants .
Comunication read from the Fire Dept. anominating Chas Pec-
var an regular. 7ircpan, "pd upon motion the sama was approved.
Comunication from .the Ame.rica.n Concrete Pipe Co .., tsar read
reguaading claim for dailia,i by one Dirchler ,, ai d ' the same eras
refered to the City Attorney.
Batter of Cinders on Railroad Avenue ro . w6c refcred to the
Street Committee , with porer to Lct .
Engineer reported on i, pyopcc& wideninc of the Scenic_
Thy Paving , action defered for the rresent .
Matter of extras on the Garage Door Contract, vac. refered to
the Puildi_ng Cor.mittee , for investiUnt.ion f report .
Strains Auto Freight Co . Freight 16 .25
J. G. Watson, Tools L Reps . 12 .30
Oal , List Jan. So]_ a.ri.e:3 8YR.00
Time Sheet balor for Jan. 155.50
Chas . T. Hinton , State Treap . Tnd . Inc . A Led . Aid 7 .4
Perlin Yotot Co. (:aFr ,Oil & Reps . 69 .97
Auburn Concrete Products Co . 'file 6. 00
Lov"ran & Hanford Attorney Supplies 10.50
L. E. Price Office Fx,aense 6. 65
I: arf uart Kerlin Office T ork 45.00
K. E. Erickson Street Supplies 4.63
Bent Elect . Co . .pup ;lies 13.64
Johnson Edwe . Co . Suprlies 1 .45
Geo . 0 . Pollock Car Axp . 17 .90
P. S. P . & L. Co . L,i`;ikt L i'oymr 36;' .82
Stcrprt Ungya_ Park LuLor 12. 00
T. '.','. Paspett Foreclowlire Pxp . 26.20
Sawyer Hill Co. ],umber 24.45
U. T. Barnes Garage Door Cont . 97. 00
Perlin Hdwe . Co . Supplies 3. 15
J. A. Fallereen Fnc. F: Inspec. 27. 00
No furt}per Pusiress wrpear. i r�L he �,_ee_ the tire; , upon motion
did then adju.rn . F
L. F. Price ,
City Clerk.