HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/19/1931 Kent , Washington, October 19, 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Boucher land Councilmen Boyker, Dunbar , Dunn, Hardy , Naden & Wooden. Minutes of the meeting of October 5, last , read and appro- ved, as read. Pdr. Clark made a report of the conditions at Lake Sawyer and the water supply and upon motion the City Engineer and Mr. I Clark were directed to procure mor data as to source of water. Comunications read from the Ross Valve Co. -agreeing to take the Regulating Valve back for a new one , on certain con- ditaions and the Clerk was directed to offer them a trade for i a new Float Valve . Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. -Straub to repare hi<s Side -Walk on Temperance & Hazel streets . Resignation of lair. J. 71. Reed as Plumbing Inspector was read, and upon motion the Council went on record as being satis- fied with the work of Mr. Reed and the Resignation was not ac- cepted, and he was instructed to inforce the Ordinances . The Resignation of Mr. Leach as a member of the City Coun- cil was read and upon motion accepted. CLAIMS READ AIdD ALLOWED AS "FOLLOP'S: l I Kent Feed Co. 2 � Park Supplies � 46. �0 Shaffer Brothers Park Supplies 20.40 P . S. P & L. Co . Lighting 360.25 City Transfer Co. Oil & R.M.Concrete 152.68 Cady's Pahrmacy Police Supplies 2.00 Packer-Scott Co. Janitor Supplies 5.2K Seattle Waxine Co. Street Supplies 24,37 Yale Paint Mfg. Co . Street Paint 62.33 Tillie" F. Ransdell Ins . Prem. 99.00 W. N. Waters Office Supplies •95 IL. E. Price Office Expense 9.02 � F. L. Taylor Labor & Material 45, 75 Strains Auto Freight Freight �K0 T. F. Ransdell Supplies 2.50 I' M. M. Risedorph, P.M. Stamped Envelopes 45.04 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 7.74 y' liersey. Mfg. Co. Ideters 139.00 Seattle Plumb. Sup. Co . Fire Hydrants 225.62 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . Pipe & Fittings 395.19 ;Best Lock Co. Lock Parts 4 ;!Henry Martin Labor K-00 � d No further usiness appearing the meeting, upon motion id then adjurn. II _ L. E. Prize City Clerk. j i i i l jl,