HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1931 3197 Kent , Washington, July 6 , 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Boucher and Councilmen Boyker, Bow, Dunbar, Dunn, Leach and «looden. Minutee of the meeting of. June 15, last , read and approved. Budget .report for May and the Police report for June was presented and filed, Comunigation from the Rose Valve Co. Read and filed. Ordinance No. 622, Declaring an emergency and appropriting not more than .$500.00 for new heating system, was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. A petition was presented by the C. 1,% & St. P . Ry. Co. , asking for he vacation of a certain unamed street between Meeker St. and Shinn St. .on the west side of the Ry. Right-of-wajc and the following resolution was read and adopted, in reguard to the same: WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Kent praying for the vacation of that certain unnamed street or public way abutting upon the westerly side of block 1 of Rasmussen Addition to the City of Kent , Washington, and extending between rrleeker Avenue and Shinn Avenue , More Particualarly described as fakkw, follows: That certain unnamed street of public way, 30 ft in width lying west of and adjoining the station grounds of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company in the City of Kent , Bing County, Wash- ington,, such station grounds consisting of block 1 , of Rasmussen' s Addition to the City of Kent , such street extending from the north line of Meeker Avenue to the south line of Shinn Avenue. And it appearing to the City Council of the City of Kent that said petition is signed by the owner of more than tow-thirds of the private property abutting upon the part of such way or street to be vacated: NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said petition be heard and determined at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent , to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the said City, in King County, Washington, on the 3rd. day of Agust , 1931 , at the hour of S o 'clock p .m. of said day and that notice thereof be given as required by law. A resolution authorizing party-wall agreement , read and adppted as f ollows: IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , that the Mayor and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and emp- owered to execute on behalf of the City of Kent , the Party 77all agree- ment of A. N. Berlin, and of the Fraternal Order of Eagles , respect- fully, pertaining to the building of the Water Department Wearhouse , on lot t, block 9 , W. C. I Co 's First Addition to Kent. A petition of residents living north of the City, on the west Highway for the extention of a 6" water main north to the golf links read and refered to the Water & Finance Committies and the City Atty. for investigation and report. Upon motion the Fire Department was authorized to bgty 300 ft. of Fire hose. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Seattle Plumbing Sup. Co. Water Syst. Supplies $ 22.31 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Water Syst. Supplies .b7 Time Sheet Labor for June 632.00 C. W. Hinton, State Treas. Ided. Aid. & Ind. Ins. 17.35 Highway Garage Co. Gass & Oil 6. OII Bent 11otor Car Co. Gass & Oil 52.25 R. A. Chittenden Prem. on Treas. Bond 95.00 L. H. Cavanaugh Jail Expense 1 .00 Kent Electric Co. Police Expense 4.65 Art Burnside Sport. Goods Co. Police Expense 42.00 Kent "alley Nevis Printing 4.00 0 VER. 398 Reynolds Transfer Wood 6.00 Berlin Motor Co. Police Car 6.25 R. J. Miller Mowing Streets 63.12 W. J. Bouldron Sidewalk 215.38 J. E. Crown Spec. Police 16.00 L. E. Price Office Expense 10.35 Salary List Sal . for June 966.35 Library Board Books & Supplies 46.18 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lighting 345iz79 J. A. Fallgreen Eng. & Inspect. 61.87 Otis Eberly Cutting Grass(Park) 24.00 Gladding McKean & Co. Park Supplies 51.00 0 . G. Cavanaugh Plumbing (Park) 16.20 Berlin Hdvie. Co. Park Sup. .75 Robert Zeigler Park 1.40 Stewart Kingma Park 107.00 Seattle Blewprint Co. Blewprints 2.40 Co . Treasurer Taxes on 111.H. Lot 104.47 F. A. Strob Est. No . 1 , W.H.Cont. 224.40 J. G. Watson Tools & Reps. 21.49 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. L. E. Price , City Clerk.